Facebook Profits From Killing American Children

Advertising for domestic terror groups is a profit center for Facebook, implicated in mass murder by “great replacement” (e.g. white insecurity) extremism. Media Matters gives a simple explanation: …white supremacist “great replacement” conspiracy theory that reportedly inspired the latest mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, helping to mainstream the hateful theory. In our latest study, … Continue reading Facebook Profits From Killing American Children

Facebook’s Meta Algorithms Harming Children by Pushing Toxic Content

A new report reveals how easy it is to prove “Meta” business logic intentionally harms children “One of the things I was struck by was how profoundly easy it was to identify this pro–eating-disorder bubble,” said Rys Farthing, data policy director at the advocacy group Reset Australia and the leader of the research. Farthing said … Continue reading Facebook’s Meta Algorithms Harming Children by Pushing Toxic Content

Australian Court Slams Facebook Lawyers as “divorced from reality”

Facebook has tried to hide from obvious crimes against humanity by rebranding “Meta” and allegedly has been pushing a product that entices its consumers and investors to leave reality behind (the virtual and augmented reality division lost $10.2 billion dollars in 2021). Is it just me or… does being divorced from reality (above the law) … Continue reading Australian Court Slams Facebook Lawyers as “divorced from reality”