The Deutsche Welle reports that security staff are accused of breaching privacy laws: Security staff at telecoms giant Deutsche Telekom are suspected of breaching German data privacy laws during a secret attempt to identify the sources of high-level leaks to the media, the company said Saturday, May 24. Using the company’s own records of millions … Continue reading Deutsche Telekom in Privacy Flap→
Go Jen King! Awesome paper by a former colleague: Professor Alan Westin has pioneered a popular “segmentation” to describe Americans as fitting into one of three subgroups concerning privacy: privacy “fundamentalists” (high concern for privacy), “pragmatists” (mid-level concern), and the “unconcerned” (low or no privacy concern). When compared with these segments, Californians are more likely … Continue reading Privacy Research Challenges Self-Regulation→
CompTIA Research has published “Trends in Information Security”: Information security is seen as a key risk among firms, with 80% of US respondents indicating that it is considered top priority by management. Nearly two-thirds of US firms, more than half of UK and Chinese firms, and two-fifths of Canadian firms have implemented written IT security … Continue reading New Survey Data: Only 1/4 Breaches Are Intentional→
A story in The Register discusses an infrastructure compromise in Poland orchestrated by a motivated teenager: Transport command and control systems are commonly designed by engineers with little exposure or knowledge about security using commodity electronics and a little native wit. The apparent ease with which Lodz’s tram network was hacked, even by these low … Continue reading Polish teenager compromises local light rail→