The decision apparently came down to whether lying is an appropriate way for a woman to protect her honor. BBC reports that the answer, according to Italy’s highest appeals court, is yes: …the Court of Cassation found that having a lover was a circumstance that damaged the honour of the person among family and friends. … Continue reading Italian Court Supports Lying to Protect Honor→
Gizmodo reports that a small business owner has taken physical security of his property into his own hands: When necessary, Terrill fires up the 400lb device and powers it from afar with a remote control. Using the control and a walkie-talkie, he approaches the vagrants around his bar and a local day care center to … Continue reading The new face of security in America→
Exciting news. The Mounties have arrested seventeen people in connection with botnets: Although the hackers operated from about a dozen towns all over Quebec, their botnet network was international in scope, infecting 39,000 computers in Poland, 28,000 in Brazil, and 26,000 in Mexico– the top three countries affected by the group. In all, they hacked … Continue reading Canada smashes botnet→
I do not have a humor category, but if I did this BBC story would surely go there. Nice example of POS control failure. Ten friends found the abusive and sexually-explicit message on their bill at Joe Delucci’s Italian restaurant in Bird Street, Lichfield, Staffordshire. Gives new meaning to the term “receipt”. Ms Watkin said: … Continue reading POS Prints Expletives, Customers Demand Compensation→