A rather biting article has been published by the German press. Sales have plummeted dramatically, jobs are being cut and employees are being laid off in droves: …worrying about the future of their remaining 12,500 employees, the plant management and works council seem to have the leisure time to occupy themselves with complaining about stolen … Continue reading Tesla Factory in Germany Bemoans Massive IKEA Mug Loss as Workers Are Laid Off→
Recently I wrote how anti-terror investigators were closing in on Russian operatives who had allegedly been hired by Tesla to light infrastructure fires in Germany. The loose theory was Tesla had used the operation to shut-down its factory and save money (while claiming bogus losses), to also falsely implicate “leftist” groups to sow political conflict … Continue reading Intel Agencies Indicate Tesla Factory Fire Was Self-Sabotage→
A swastika (formally known as Twitter) user named @FixorFkit has posted a video of themselves in a Tesla nearly crashing head-on into a police car. Crossing over double yellow at high speed with a blind curve into the path of an oncoming police car? The driver (swearing and swerving) seems perhaps shaken most by the … Continue reading Tesla FSD V.12.3.6 Attempts to Crash Head-On Into Police Car→