Category Archives: Security

Israeli Raider Micro-ATV

Israelis have successfully shrunken the ATV to micro-size with a new electric “Raider”, unless you want to believe they have enlarged the electric skateboard to giant-size…or is it a stretched segway?

I want to believe four-wheeling has advantages, yet in every action scene above I found myself imagining a two-wheeler doing it more efficiently (further and faster) on same charge. Sure, two-wheels requires training yet we’re talking about a highly trained operator in this market, right? If nothing else I would fiddle with a two-wheeler that splits wheels and extends axles into four, rather than be stuck all the time in a four-wheel mode.

Ok, one advantage I will grant is that if the Raider can be configured as driver-less then it’s far, far easier to manufacture and operate than two-wheels. Real advantages there. Someone could hit the panic button and their Raider would be like a medic drone and return them to safety. Or if you wanted the Raider to drop you off and then secretly make its own way to a pickup zone, also better than two-wheel options.

The Honor of Clearance Being Revoked

It now quite clearly has become a badge of honor for national heroes to distance themselves from the US regime leader:

Former CIA director John Brennan, whose security clearance you revoked on Wednesday, is one of the finest public servants I have ever known. Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don’t know him.


I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency

Those are the very choice words by the famous William H. McRaven, retired Navy admiral, commander of US JSOC from 2011-2014 including the 2011 raid in Pakistan that killed al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden

I am reminded, of course, of General Beck’s lament in 1938, which history warns us was done far too late and far too dependently on foreign intervention (Beck estimated Chamberlain’s cautious approach was evidence domestic German resistance could not count on UK support):

Also I have been told these “More Becks” beer ads in Germany in the decades after WWII were no coincidence:

Update and analysis August 27 by War on the Rocks: “MCRAVEN’S MESSAGE, LEADERSHIP, AND THE PROFESSION OF ARMS

Apple Mainframe Hacked

Somehow this line went to print without catching an editor’s eye:

The boy, 16, from the southern city of Melbourne, broke into the U.S. computer giant’s mainframe from his suburban home many times over a year…

Apple’s mainframe?

But seriously, there’s an interesting nugget in the story about Apple responding to WhatsApp messaging, presumably encrypted, by sending foriegn police after a juvenile.

The report said an AFP raid on the boy’s family home produced two laptops, a mobile phone and a hard drive that matched the intrusion reported by Apple.

The sensitive documents were saved in a folder called “hacky hack hack”, the report said.

It said the boy had boasted about his activities on the mobile messaging service WhatsApp.

Ancient City Unearthed in Kansas

Exciting dirt on the prairie from the LA Times as the latest in archaeological tech reveals a major civilization:

Using freshly translated documents written by the Spanish conquistadors more than 400 years ago and an array of high-tech equipment, Blakeslee located what he believes to be the lost city of Etzanoa, home to perhaps 20,000 people between 1450 and 1700

That’s huge for 1450. London, Rome, Athens, and Moscow each only had around 40,000 people in the early 1500s. So this city, given estimates are from explorers who reached only a portion, was perhaps comparably sized.

The story then describes how Spanish explorers from places like Corodoba (population 30,000) and Seville (population 60,000) decided that when they entered this peaceful city of people offering gifts…taking hostages was the right move.

As the Spaniards drew near, they spied numerous grass houses along the bluffs. A delegation of Etzanoans bearing round corn cakes met them on the river bank. They were described as a sturdy people with gentle dispositions and stripes tattooed from their eyes to their ears. It was a friendly encounter until the conquistadors decided to take hostages. That prompted the entire city to flee.

Oñate’s men wandered the empty settlement for two or three days, counting 2,000 houses that held eight to 10 people each. Gardens of pumpkins, corn and sunflowers lay between the homes.

The Spaniards could see more houses in the distance, but they feared an Etzanoan attack and turned back.

That’s when they were ambushed by 1,500 Escanxaques. The conquistadors battled them with guns and cannons before finally withdrawing back to New Mexico, never to return.

That’s 2,000 houses of 10 people each that were counted before the invaders turned tail. The city was even larger since the additional homes could be seen from a distance. Could it have been as large as Spanish cities the invaders were from?

And is it accurate to let hostile hostage-takers describe themselves as ambushed? Imagine someone showing up for dinner without warning, eating your food and kidnapping your daughter and then calling themselves ambushed when police show up to try to rescue her.

Another interesting tidbit is how large and connected the American cities were for the time-period.

…tribes were urban. They built large towns, raised crops, made fine pottery, processed bison on a massive scale and led a settled existence. There were trade connections all the way to the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan in Mexico

Little respect has been paid to the civilization before now, as the artifacts for at least 100 years have been treated by developers and ranchers as strangely dense curiosities to throw into “personal collections” to entertain with:

In 1994, thousands of relics were unearthed during road construction. In 1959, the renowned archaeologist Waldo Wedel wrote in his classic book, “An Introduction to Kansas Archeology,” that the valley floor and bluffs here “were littered with sherds, flints, and other detritus” that went on for miles.


Local rancher Jason Smith, 47, said he had seen collections “that would blow your mind.”

“Truckloads of stuff,” he said. “Worked stone tools, flints. One guy had 100 boxes at his house.”

Russell Bishop, 66, worked at the country club as a kid.

“My boss had an entire basement full of pottery and all kinds of artifacts,” he recalled. “We’d be out there working and he would recognize a black spot on the ground as an ancient campfire site.”

Bishop, who now lives outside Denver, has coffee cans full of arrowheads.

The story ends with a definite thud. It has a strange trajectory to cutting-edge translations and high-tech geo-location being used today, from a country-club being built on top of the city and decades of giving away ancient artifacts to anyone looking to decorate their basement.

I suppose that trajectory is significant because the USA used a questionable legal theory to justify settlement, which was based in beliefs about sparsely populated areas inhabited only by nomadic people with no settled claims to the land.

For decades country club workers were saying campfires and pottery dotted the landscape, and I’m sure it was even more obvious before them, but technology now has “established” that the Wichita in fact were sedentary farmers with a significant civilization. Now if technology could just establish that they are also surviving, not extinct, maybe they can get their city and its artifacts back?