USA Today reports today that the ’04 and ’05 VW TDIs have appreciated in value, unlike most cars which have depreciated as much as 26%. And when you consider the diesel option actually made the car cost less up-front than the gas engine, bio-diesel powered Passats have turned out to be not only one of … Continue reading TDI Passats appreciate in value→
The latest EPRI* Journal (PDF) has an interesting article about the future of hybrid vehicles and the benefits of new plug-in technology, which has led to the ungainly name of PHEV (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles). New York, Kansas City and LA are apparently testing a Dodge Sprinter PHEV and seeing some pretty amazing results. At … Continue reading The Petroleum Gap→
The BBC report about this massive catastrophe starts off rather ominously: The man in charge of investigating the massive fires at a Hertfordshire oil depot on Sunday says the flames may have destroyed all clues to the cause. Further along it adds a bit more hope: A police investigation into the incident has begun, including … Continue reading The Hertfordshire oil depot investigation→
I find it quite sad that the historic “Routemaster” red double-deckers are being put out to pasture, instead of updated and maintained as part of London’s heritage and gift to the world of transportation. Something about the trust model of an open back entry space always intrigued me, as well as the fact that the … Continue reading End of the line for London’s Buses→