TL;DR Amazon created a “big eyes” screen to weaponize surveillance “especially problematic for children, who don’t have the capacity to understand” such overt manipulation tactics. Calling their robot stupid is like saying kid cereal is just sugar. Children “fall in love with” something targeting them with harm. A new MIT thought piece called “Amazon’s Astro … Continue reading Amazon Astro Robot “especially problematic for children”→
There are so many weird twists to this story, I don’t know where to begin but of course I had to write something. First, maybe start with the fact that the victim is a vision-impaired Paralympic judo athlete. Vision-impaired world-class self-defense expert is no match for a car also vision impaired that was given just … Continue reading Toyota Self-Driving Bus Suspended After Crash Into Paralympic Contestant→
The easy answer is really a semantic one: nothing that can be done in cyber (information technology) is directly comparable to widespread kinetic destruction of military forces. Once something approaches that level of destructive force, it’s no longer really the domain of cyber. In other words we don’t really call it a voice attack if … Continue reading Why a Cyber Pearl Harbor Will Never Happen→
I keep reading the following sentence in safety reports about Tesla, but only about Tesla: NHTSA reports an average of one accident per 484,000 miles. Do you see the NHTSA reporting that anywhere? I do not. And I do not see any other car manufacturer quoting this number either. I see only a sentence Tesla … Continue reading True/False? “NHTSA reports an average of one accident per 484,000 miles”→