Tesla Stock Value Driven by #TSLA Twitter Bots

Twitter not only is a toxic platform, the largest hate rally in history, it’s also engaged in egregious stock manipulation by robots to fund the haters. Of 157,000 tweets posted to the hashtag #TSLA, 23% were from bots, the research showed. Kirsch and Chowdhury tracked 186 Tesla-related bot accounts and found that after each was … Continue reading Tesla Stock Value Driven by #TSLA Twitter Bots

Tesla Value Crash: Dropping Much Faster Than Industry Average

Researchers have highlighted the simple fact that a Tesla purchase loses value faster than other car brands. As of February, “year over year, used EV prices have fallen 24%, with Teslas losing the most value in that period,” Liz Najman, lead researcher at Recurrent, told me in an email. “Looking at just the past few … Continue reading Tesla Value Crash: Dropping Much Faster Than Industry Average

German Court Details How The “Deathtrap Tesla” Kills So Many People

BZ-Berlin has posted a report called “Todesfalle Tesla!” on a German court case, regarding a 2022 Tesla crash that trapped and killed two young women. (Translation by me) Hersteller Tesla saß unsichtbar mit auf der Anklagebank. Denn nach dem Aufprall hatte die automatische Türentriegelung versagt, stellte der Gutachter fest. Folge: Die hinteren Türen ließen von … Continue reading German Court Details How The “Deathtrap Tesla” Kills So Many People