Uber’s “Algorithm” Was Lies: Australian Regulators Issue Small Fine

Unlike Tesla, which never seems to be held accountable for its serial lying and egregiously false representations, Uber is yet again facing penalties. The second offense related to estimated taxi fares provided by the app to Sydney customers between June 2018 and August 2020, when the taxi ride option was abandoned. The algorithm used to … Continue reading Uber’s “Algorithm” Was Lies: Australian Regulators Issue Small Fine

Red Means Dead: U.S. Political Affiliation Correlated to Disease

The U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) has published data showing a large political party is killing its members like a primitive cult drinking Jel Sert’s Flavor Aid. Can you guess which one? Here is a clue from ABC. “…the 10 states with the highest vaccination rates all voted for Biden in 2020, while nine … Continue reading Red Means Dead: U.S. Political Affiliation Correlated to Disease

Testing Things the “Wrong Way” is the Right Way to Test

Yesterday I have a talk at ISACA-SF where I repeatedly emphasized how AI auditing is about testing things in a way that breaks them. This shouldn’t be news to anyone used to testing things, and yet many of the platforms somehow are trying to respond to algorithm failure by telling people to stop the tests. … Continue reading Testing Things the “Wrong Way” is the Right Way to Test