IE Alert: Security Advisory 961051

Things are heating up for what some are calling an Extremely Dangerous Internet Explorer Security Hole. Microsoft’s Security Advisory 961051 is for all versions of Internet Explorer. Patch now!

What systems are primarily at risk from the vulnerability?

This vulnerability requires that a user is logged on and reading e-mail messages or is visiting Web sites for any malicious action to occur. Therefore, any systems where e-mail messages are read or where Internet Explorer is used frequently, such as workstations or terminal servers, are at the most risk from this vulnerability. However, best practices for servers discourage users from browsing and reading e-mail on servers, to reduce the level of vulnerability.

You also could stop reading email or visiting web sites with IE. Your choice.

I like the part about “discourage users”. That totally obscures the fact that any administrator worth his/her salt would never need to be discouraged from browsing with IE on a server. Here’s an idea, Microsoft. Stop installing IE on servers. Oh, it breaks the OS “design”? Well, then, perhaps it is time for something a little more useful in server security rather than “discourage users” advice?

My Way (1940)

by Anna Akhmatova

One goes in straightforward ways,
One in a circle roams:
Waits for a girl of his gone days,
Or for returning home.

But I do go — and woe is there —
By a way nor straight, nor broad,
But into never and nowhere,
Like trains — off the railroad.

Andrey Kneller has done a wonderful translation of “I don’t think of you often at all…”

I don’t think of you often at all
I’m not interested much in your fate
But the imprint you left on my soul
On our trivial meeting won’t fade.

Animal Security

The BBC seems to be building a set of short films on animals that commit criminal acts. Here is the latest installment:

Cat burglar strikes again

Frankie the cat has been stealing soft toys in Swindon for the past year.

Prior episodes:

Shoplifting seagull caught on camera (01.01)

Brazil’s pigeon drug mules(00.20)

Perhaps an entire series can be started to reveal the “criminal mind” in the animal kingdom. I wonder if there are any examples of animal cyber criminals (yet)?

Austrian Stage Accident

The BBC tells of a strange security incident in the Vienna theater, when a weapon prop turned out to be the real thing. An actor cut his own throat on stage:

The audience is said to have applauded what they thought was a stunning special effect, and only realised something was wrong when the actor staggered off stage to receive treatment.

Austrian police launched an investigation and have not ruled out the possibility of foul play, Austrian media reported.

They were told that the knife had been bought at a local shop.

“The knife even still had the price tag on it,” one officer said.

There are advantages to using props that are not very realistic, one of which is reducing the risk of using a real one by accident.