Category Archives: Security

Securing the pipelines

I was poking around some security sites to get some perspective on the situation in Iraq when I found a curious and rather dark summary from Erinys:

Between August 2003 and December 2004, Erinys Iraq, trained, equipped and mobilised a 16,000 strong Iraqi guard force to protect the pipelines. This was achieved against a backdrop of a rapidly deteriorating security environment.

The OPF brochure tells the story of how Erinys achieved what it did, in many cases against the odds, and examines some of the broad operational, political and contractual factors which shaped the force. It also introduces the reader to an eclectic mix of people who worked as an effective team in an extraordinary time and place in history, and who, with sheer single minded determination, created something that made a powerful difference for the better.

With that kind of language, you might almost think someone was working on a cure for cancer or solving the problems in Darfur. Sorry, no, actually Erinys was fighting to stem the flow of “$8million in revenue per day due to sabotage on [Iraq’s] northern oil and gas pipelines”. The powerful difference for the better was thus an operating cost reduction for the oil companies in Iraq, through the use of tens of thousands of armed guards. Not exactly the kind of security to write home about if your objective is human rights, especially as some people can get so anti-mercenary and attempt to regulate the soldier of fortune industry, which just drives costs back up again for the oil industry. (Note: sarcasm should be detected here).

It makes for an interesting alternative news source (“backdrop of a rapidly deteriorating security environment”) and I am sure there are some oil companies with installations in unstable political environments who are curious to know exactly how it was done. In fact, it looks like Erinsys recently opened a new office in Houston, perhaps in anticipation of the hurricane season…

“Mr. Mac Namee’s broad experience as a former United Kingdom Special Forces Officer with extensive seconded service with MI5 along with his current, active involvement in international oil and gas security advisory business can play an important role when our Company needs guidelines for large international projects,” said Alex Genin — CEO and President of [First Capital International, Inc.].


“I am extremely pleased to be invited to join First Capital International’s Security Advisory Board,” said Mr. Richard Mac Namee who went on to further state: “This innovative counter-terrorist technology developed by First Capital International has outstanding marketing possibilities and has great potential benefits for marine insurance carriers worldwide. I also believe that the technology package will contribute greatly to mitigating the associated risks of LNG transportation and possibly even prevent a major terrorist-related disaster for the LNG shipping industry.”

I like that quote. It makes me wonder if they could put it on surveillance product labels, or at least on the marketing website: “May prevent major terrorist-related disasters. Possible side effects include loss of freedom…”

US war in Iraq passes WWII mark

I have seen innumerable articles about the shortness or length of American wars, and heard the Bush administration comments about the War on Terror being an unusually long one, but I have yet to come across a bar graph putting it all in perspective. Since I find a visual helpful, I threw something together to show how (as of today) the War in Iraq and Afghanistan have climbed the rungs of time. Thought I would share (click on it to enlarge):

Length of US wars

Of course the start of the US engagement in Vietnam is a little fuzzy if you count the tens of thousands of “advisors” and special operations teams sent by Eisenhower. Some say the whole war was as short as 90 months but I used 101 months as recently posted by the AP, which I have to admit ignores the crucial twenty four months after Kennedy officially sent in American troops. All of these timelines for Vietnam are still well-shy of the 18 years suggested by others. I would add the LSU calculations of total casualties and financial costs to my graph as well, but as you can see above the dates are hard enough to pin down…

< ------------Casualties------------>
                                    [-----Deaths---]                             < -----Percentages-----> Duration 
Conflict                Enrolled    Combat   Other   Wounded     Total    Ratio  KIA    Dead   Casualty   Months  KIA/Month          
Revolutionary War          200.0    4,435   *          6,188      10,623   2.4   2.2%    2.2%     5.3%      80       55
War of 1812                286.0    2,260   *          4,505       6,765   3.0   0.8%    0.8%     2.4%      30       75
Mexican War                 78.7    1,733   11,550     4,152      17,435   1.3   2.2%   16.9%    22.2%      20       87
Civil War: Union         2,803.3  110,070  249,458   275,175     634,703   1.8   3.9%   12.8%    22.6%      48    2,293
           Confederate   1,064.2   74,524  124,000   137,000 +   335,524   1.7   7.0%   18.7%    31.5%      48    1,553
           Combined      3,867.5  184,594  373,458   412,175 +   970,227   1.7   4.8%   14.4%    25.1%      48    3,846
Spanish-American War       306.8      385    2,061     1,662       4,108   1.7   0.1%    0.8%     1.3%       4       96 &
World War I              4,743.8   53,513   63,195   204,002     320,710   2.7   1.1%    2.5%     6.8%      19    2,816
World War II            16,353.7  292,131  115,185   670,846   1,078,162   2.6   1.8%    2.5%     6.6%      44    6,639
Korean War               5,764.1   33,651   *        103,284     136,935   4.1   0.6%    0.6%     2.4%      37      909
Vietnam War              8,744.0   47,369   10,799   153,303     211,471   3.6   0.5%    0.7%     2.4%      90      526
Gulf War                 2,750.0      148      145       467 ^       760   2.6   0.0%    0.0%     0.0%       1      148

Combat deaths refers to troops killed in action or dead of wounds. Other includes deaths from disease, privation, and accidents, and includes losses among prisoners of war. Wounded excludes those who died of their wounds, who are included under Combat Deaths. Ratio is the proportion of wounded in action to combat deaths. Note that the wounded figures do not include cases of disease. Under Percentages, KIA refers to the percent of those enrolled killed in action, Dead to the percent dead from all causes, and Casualty to the percent killed or injured. KIA/Month, killed in action per month, gives a fair indication of the intensity of combat

* Non-battle deaths not known for these wars.
+ Confederate non-battle deaths and wounded estimated.
& Actually only six weeks of sustained combat.
^ There was only one month of combat.

I also did not put the “War on Drugs” on the chart but I do wonder if that would help put something like the War on Terror in perspective? According to the Boston Globe, it is now decades old and the results have not been quite what was intended…

Fact: In the three decades since Nixon declared substance abuse a “national emergency,” the United States has focused on curbing supply and demand for illegal drugs. Currently, nearly half a million people in this country are behind bars for drug crimes (mostly trafficking). Yet the domestic drug market remains free-flowing. Classic economic theory states that when supply goes down, the price of a commodity goes up and its purity declines. With hard street drugs, the inverse has occurred. They’re dramatically cheaper and purer than they were 25 years ago — suggesting greater supply and easy access. Adjusted for inflation, cocaine prices have dropped by more than half since 1980. A bag of heroin goes for little more than a gallon of gas or a six-pack of water.

Thirty-five years and drugs flow more freely and for less cost? Wonder if anyone has readily available data on the suspected causes of terrorist activity such as displacement, persecution or perhaps fundamentalism. Ah, the definition of terrorism is tricky. Maybe it would be easier to try and quantify the sale of illegal arms relative to the number of terrorist factions, or the supply of small arms and the number of incidents caused by paramilitary groups and militias? I would go with something like this in the CS Monitor, but then again it seems to come right back around to the Iraq War…

In a report to be released next week, US government figures will show that the number of terrorist attacks in the world jumped sharply in 2005, totalling more than 10,000 for the first time. That is almost triple the number of terrorist attacks in 2004 — 3,194. Knight Ridder’s Washington bureau reports that counterterrorism experts say that there are two reasons for the dramatic increase: a broader definition of what consitutes a terrorist attack, and the war in Iraq.


“Roughly 85 percent of the US citizens who died from terrorism during the year died in Iraq. The figures cover only noncombatants and thus don’t include combat deaths of US, Iraqi and other coalition soldiers.”

Their “broader definition” of terrorism apparently now includes attacks that do not include more than one nationality. In other words McVeigh’s bombing would not have been classified as terrorism under the old rules since he was American and attacking Americans. The CS Monitor article also has some other useful references to defining the War on Terror, however long it has lasted.

Order in the classroom

Interesting article in the LA Times about Americans learning Mandarin and some cultural differences in student behavior:

Robert Liu, who taught in China before coming to Venice High School, remembers his first two years in an American classroom with the benefit of hindsight. It was not an easy adjustment, he said. In China, “respect is the No. 1 thing. Students respect their teachers,” he said. Liu found a different paradigm here, where respect must be earned and teachers spend much of their time maintaining order.

“You have to quiet them down and find different activities to attract them or they will lose attention,” he said.

Maybe if he tried the Cartman approach?

Hey, I am a Cop! You will respect my authority!

Chewing gum solutions

The BBC has a strange story on the fight to clean up the streets of Belfast:

Caroline Briggs from the council’s cleansing department said it was “a never-ending job”.

“We spend approximately £60,000 a year to remove chewing gum,” she said.

“However, we could spend 10 times that amount and still not really crack the problem.

Is chewing gum on sidewalks really that much of a problem? Another story discusses solutions at the front-end of the process.

New polymers being developed by Revolymer Ltd can be incorporated into chewing gum which may stop it cementing itself to the ground when dropped.

And here is a story on penalties that attempt to dissuade chewers from littering…

Chewers will be offered pouches to deposit their gum in pedestrian areas, while specially trained wardens in the trial areas will issue fines from £50 up to £75 for persistent offenders. […] Local authorities have said previously that it costs £150m a year to remove discarded chewing gum from the streets.

Special gum wardens? That seems strange to me. I can see wardens for real risks, but is chewing gum really the most pressing disaster facing urban areas?

What if the price of chewing gum included the costs of cleaning it up?