Category Archives: Security

Elon Musk Rides Crashing Tesla Sales to New High: Investors Deepen Suicide Pact With Nazi-Saluting Madman

For many years the dangerous inferiority of Tesla products, the inability to achieve even baseline quality levels let alone real-world safety, have threatened any true notions of value.

Tesla’s product quality and safety concerns have raised serious questions about the company’s value proposition. To state some of the obvious issues again that should have blocked sales:

Tesla vehicles have shown severe reliability problems, with reports of critical failures occurring within extremely low mileage ranges. The recently released Cybertruck reportedly experiences critical failures before reaching 1,000 miles. This is a significant decline from an already industry-worst average with Tesla major repairs or replacement needed before 10,000 miles, many going straight to junkyards riddled with recalls far higher than industry average.

Tesla’s response to these issues has been to implement closed systems for both service and insurance:

  • A restricted service model that prevents independent repairs
  • A proprietary insurance program that obscures true failure rates
  • Disinformation tactics on social media and news, trying to pollute and censor public reporting of issues

The safety record has been particularly troubling, given their newest model called a Cybertruck, marketed as a “survival” vehicle, has posted a fatality rate 17 times higher than the Ford Pinto.

The company’s business practices are rightfully criticized as fraud: collecting substantial upfront payments while delivering products that often fall short of promises or never deliver at all, while killing an alarming number of customers.

Key Observations: Data from and the NHTSA clearly shows that both serious incidents (orange line) and fatal incidents (pink line) are increasing at a steeper rate than the fleet size growth (blue line). This is particularly evident from 2021 onwards, where: Fleet size (blue) shows a linear growth of about 1x per year. Serious incidents (orange) show an exponential growth curve, reaching nearly 5x by 2024. Fatal incidents (pink) also show a steeper-than-linear growth, though not as dramatic as serious incidents. The divergence between the blue line (fleet growth) and the incident lines (orange and pink) indicates that incidents are indeed accelerating faster than the production/deployment of new vehicles.

Questions about commitment to product delivery versus financial engineering, might finally be having an effect according to the latest headlines. Sales are reportedly crashing all around the world. Despite EV sales stronger than ever, rising dramatically for other car brands, the Tesla numbers show steep decline.

The decline in 2004 Sales of Tesla in California versus 2003 was so massive (grey bar at bottom) they almost fell off the chart versus other EV brands reporting rapid upward growth.
  • Newsweek: Tesla Sales See Significant Decline in California
  • Fortune: Tesla sales fall 60% in Germany
  • Reuters: Tesla sales slump in UK
  • CarSales: Tesla sales fell of a cliff in Australia…
  • Reuters: Tesla loses market share in Sweden, Norway…
  • The Driven: Tesla sales are plunging in key markets around the world – many by more than 50%

So what, the eagle-eyed observer would say. Does a lack of car sales by a fraudulent car company that never cared about cars really matter anyway? It’s always just been selling the blood-diamonds of the road, pumping cynical hype and fantasy while running from accountability for dangerous harms. Indeed, it’s hard not to notice that while customers have been running away from Tesla faster than it can kill them, investors meanwhile are happily buying into the fraud.

  • CNN: Elon Musk promises to Make Tesla Great Again. Investors are buying it…
  • Motley Fool: Elon Musk Just Said Tesla Has a $10 Trillion Opportunity…
  • Bloomberg: Tesla’s Meme-Like Stock Surge…
  • CNBC: Tesla stock soars 22% for best day in over a decade on Musk’s 2025 growth projection
  • Barrons: Tesla Stock Rises Again After Analyst Price Target Increase

Tesla’s CEO famously built the company profit scheme from the beginning on paper statements printed by the federal government (basically the automobile-maker equivalent of food stamps) and reselling them as “credits” to legacy car companies as a means to help them keep making high-pollution gas-guzzlers for his profit. And of course he cynically called himself an environmentalist (literally a toxic fraudster) during this time as a cruel joke.

To make an even finer point, just as VW was being charged with cheating diesel emission laws, Elon Musk rushed to deploy the most polluting giant diesel generators he could find in a massive troll stunt. He announced he would deliver the future of Tesla charging entirely on solar power, intentionally belching pollution to troll the German car company facing criminal prosecution. It wasn’t just setup as a cruel joke, pumping stock on intentional deceptions, it was Elon Musk signaling to Wall Street he would do whatever laws said he shouldn’t.

Fast forward to today and he’s been inserting his “Big Balls” illegally into control over federal government coffers in order to redirect federal funds directly into his pockets. Why bother with the mess of a complex ruse to transfer funds through fake cars when he can just reach directly into his victims’ bank accounts?

The giant car company fraud scheme seems quite unnecessary to achieve what he always has done and will do even more of now – turn the entire American government into welfare for a few white supremacists.

Should he care all his car sales are crashing around the world? On what basis? He probably thinks his cars are meant to crash… into anyone targeted for being opposed to dictatorship. Do weapons manufacturers make money? Bombs away!

Swasticars: Remote-controlled dangerously explosive vehicles are being stockpiled by Musk outside major cities around the world.

The company’s stock valuation has risen on this formula, creating an operational reality to a very particular implementation of systemic racism in a militant dictatorship.

Apparently a significant number of investors are on board with this, believe this time the Nazi suicide ride will turn out well for them.

Tesla Cybertruck Rated 17X More Dangerous Than the Deadly Ford Pinto

It’s official, although it’s been said for years on this blog, including a takedown of deeply flawed Snopes risk analysis.

How a “Fact-Checker” Helps Tesla Play the Same Statistical Shell Game That Let Ford Hide Pinto Deaths

Tesla management’s very willful design defects are “Make Automobiles Great Again” (MAGA) levels of negligence and cruelty towards human life.

A new analysis by independent automotive blog FuelArc suggests that fire fatalities are 17 times more likely in a Cybertruck than in the infamous Ford Pinto — the posterchild of deadly cars if ever there was one.

The site arrives at that conclusion by comparing the total units sold so far — 34,438 for the Cybertruck, compared to 3,173,491 for the ill-fated Pinto, discontinued in 1980 — and comparing reported fire fatalities for both.

At the current rate of horrible fiery deaths, FuelArc projects the Cybertruck will have 14.52 fatalities per 100,000 units — far eclipsing the Pinto’s 0.85. (In absolute terms, FuelArc found, 27 Pinto drivers died in fires, while five Cybertruck drivers have suffered the same fate, at least so far.)

Notably, Tesla’s profit-driven love of design defects inside an opaque service model has produced “driverless” software that has killed far more Americans than even domestic terrorists who used cars.

Also notably, when a Musk-worshiping highly decorated Green Beret going through a mental health crisis carefully rigged a Cybertruck to expressly not harm anyone from a massive suicidal explosion as his cry for help, the Tesla CEO shamelessly mocked the dead soldier for failing to cause even greater harms to Americans and their property. Think about this horrible end to the Tesla faithful, killing themselves for a man who intentionally takes their money for nothing and cares not at all about them or America.

Source: Twitter

Trump Foreign Policy Dog-Whistle as Doctrine: Cruel and Simple White Supremacist Imperialism

It’s All Just About Racial Hierarchy: the cruel simplicity of Trump’s foreign policy doctrine isn’t hard to decode. The two recent White House declarations on land rights lay bare a brutal, simple plan from Trump to explicitly tie racial identity to land rights around the world, declaring who deserves protection and who faces forced removal.

Favors resettlement of non-whites: In Gaza, he proposes immediate foreign “ownership” with total displacement of all Palestinians, framing it as a real estate development opportunity regardless of the past.

Opposes resettlement of whites: In South Africa, he condemns and cuts aid over laws allowing land redistribution because it would reduce historically unjust white male economic power.

These positions aren’t contradictory at all when viewed through the lens of preserving and expanding existing white power structures. They align perfectly because they ignore human rights entirely, it’s just about racism.

In Gaza, his proposal for American “ownership” and Palestinian displacement mirrors colonial practices – treating inhabited land as empty space ready for “development,” while dismissing the rights and existence of its current inhabitants. His vision of a “Riviera of the Middle East” requires first removing the Palestinians who live there, just as many colonial projects required removing indigenous populations.

The Riviera that he cites as his example emerged from and still reflects colonial extraction – a playground built on displaced communities and extracted wealth. His vision for Gaza follows this exact template: displacement first, playground for the powerful later.

To be clear, foreign ownership of Gaza by Americans reveals Trump’s ultimate vision of racial hierarchy. Netanyahu, in his shortsighted pursuit of power, fails to see how white supremacy eventually turns on all those it temporarily allies with. History shows repeatedly these alliances are always temporary – the hierarchy must always narrow, as evidenced by one Hitlerjugend’s later realization about the mass displacement program and genocide that she facilitated.

I became a National Socialist because the idea of the National Community inspired me… What I had never realized was the number of Germans who were not considered worthy to belong to this community.

If history means anything at all then Netanyahu, after he signs away all rights over Gaza to Trump’s imperialist shock troops, could expect to be put in front of their firing squad that removes all competition for power.

Netanyahu’s present overt alignment with American white supremacists very foolishly ignores they always expand targets of exclusion and would gladly push him into the sea next. Consider Netanyahu’s role in the assassination of an Israeli state leader, which eliminated democratic leadership based on extreme racial fears to provoke extra-judicial violence.

In the weeks before the assassination, Netanyahu, then head of the opposition, and other senior Likud members attended a right-wing political rally in Jerusalem where protesters branded Rabin a “traitor,” “murderer,” and “Nazi” for signing a peace agreement with the Palestinians earlier that year. He also marched in a Ra’anana protest as demonstrators behind him carried a mock coffin.

How does this not suggest that Trump easily could do the same to Netanyahu that Netanyahu did to Rabin?

The consistency of White House statements while meddling in foreign affairs carries a crystal clear pitch, the same exact whistle that Trump blows twice. It lies in non-whites being devalued, their land rights ignored or actively denied, and the non-white residents displaced. In South Africa, he opposes policies that would reduce white minority economic dominance established under colonialism. In Gaza, he proposes the exact same thing, supporting policies that would increase white minority economic dominance established under colonialism – displacing non-whites from their homeland.

Additionally, with South Africa, Trump makes racial hierarchy explicit by linking land reform there to the country’s stance against Israeli treatment of Palestinians, merging these issues into a single narrative about preserving white supremacist power structures globally. His fraudulent framing of South African justice as “discrimination” reveals the colonial mindset that treats any reduction in unjust power as persecution.

The White House barks that displacement is wrong when it affects powerful white groups, and also barks it is acceptable – even desirable – when targeting non-whites with less power. Such a coherence against human rights is historically patterned on Trump’s fetish for colonial – white supremacist – ideology about race determining whose land claims matter. When Trump decries “unjust racial discrimination” against whites in South Africa while proposing mass displacement in Gaza to develop an elitist beach resort for whites, he advocates toxic “blindness” to skin color – make America only see white again.

This is the dangerous core meaning of Trump’s campaign mantra being a heavy handed return to aggressive racist imperialism. Americans already are suffering under a foreign-obsessed regime has been rapidly and ruthlessly driven away from what, in the timeless words of Baldwin, it “must become”.

This is your home, my friend, do not be driven from it; great men have done great things here, and will again, and we can make America what America must become.

American Chinese 1944 Airman Finally Returned Home: Nazis Killed and Buried Him in Germany

Despite the incredibly racist and difficult environment in California for American Chinese, they went to war for their country.

Though the memories are hazy after all this time, Margery Wong remembers 1944 like it was yesterday. When news came to her front door that her brother, then 20-year old, Sergeant Yuen Hop, was missing in action.

“He enlisted when he was about 18. I was probably about 12 years old. My dad was working in the orchards…and my mom…I think she took it pretty bad.”

Army Air Force Sgt. Yuen Hop’s plane had been shot down on a mission in Germany. Details at the time were slim.


About 20,000 Chinese Americans served in World War II, even despite the Chinese Exclusion Act.

“America First” (Nazi Americans) tried extremely hard to prevent these American Chinese from becoming citizens, and yet they still served with distinction and gave the ultimate sacrifice for America (killed by Nazi Germans).