Politician in AZ Tesla Going 2X Speed Limit Claims Special Immunity From Laws

There’s no question that many, if not all, Tesla owners think buying their poorly designed low quality car from a conman gives them a special talisman or magic token of immunity from accountability (being above any laws, including laws of physics). In this new Arizona case, the mysticism driving such lawless thinking is not even … Continue reading Politician in AZ Tesla Going 2X Speed Limit Claims Special Immunity From Laws

Tesla FSD 12.4 Worst Version Ever: Still Can’t Deliver Even 2016 Promises

People have finally caught on to the Elon Musk fraud, like the rapid end of Frank Abignale, and seem just tired of being defrauded, instead of justifiably angry or vengeful. Note the tone of this new report: …the aggression of 12.4.3, followed by the vague promise of future improvement with “more data,” it just feels … Continue reading Tesla FSD 12.4 Worst Version Ever: Still Can’t Deliver Even 2016 Promises

Tesla Hit-and-Run Kills Small Child, and Yet Another Pedestrian Killed

The Dawn Project keeps reporting that Tesla “runs down children” on the road. That truth doesn’t seem to stop Tesla from selling cars to the kind of people who would run over a child and then flee. And so in the news now we have tragic stories like this one: The Oklahoma Highway Patrol responded … Continue reading Tesla Hit-and-Run Kills Small Child, and Yet Another Pedestrian Killed

“Tesla Syndrome”: Car Owners Stay in a Living Hell Worse Than Stockholm

A woman in Australia is more than open about her Tesla being an absolute pile of garbage that constantly breaks down and can’t do its basic job. It’s literally described as a threat to her life and her kids as well. And then she also says she loves having a “terrifyingly unreliable” disaster hell in … Continue reading “Tesla Syndrome”: Car Owners Stay in a Living Hell Worse Than Stockholm