Jazz on film

One cold dark night as I was driving through the streets of old Milwaukee, I noticed some light emanating from the window of a deserted warehouse. I slowed down and turned right under a bridge to get cover as well as a closer look at the source.

For those of you who know Milwaukee, I was passing under the small bridge in the middle of this map.

A bright flickering image to the right then caught my eye and I couldn’t believe what I saw — an old jazz movie was being broadcast onto the bridge itself. Above me to the left were dark rows of windows, some broken, some shuttered, with one on the second or third floor producing the cone of light that ended up on a neat white facade on the stones that supported the railroad tracks. I rolled my window down a bit and could hear music. It was a silent movie, but someone had gone to the trouble of ensuring jazz would flow from the screen and into the street. There, hanging underneath the rails and just above the improvised screen, was an old speaker with wires attached that ran back along the bridge towards the building.

I had found my own secret drive-in theater.

I sat and watched two, maybe three, movies that night. I never tried entering the building and I never saw another movie played there. The speaker was still there the next day, and the next week, so I am pretty certain I wasn’t dreaming but I never saw another film. I’ve always wondered if someone had discovered an old stash of reel-to-reel films and was screening them, but the speaker was too open, too public…these were the real deal, I tell you, and their stock couldn’t have been any more recent than the 1930s. Most of the warehouses in the area were shuttered and silent; I also couldn’t help but wonder about ghosts of the past, squatting art students, or perhaps someone left behind and trying to stick it out as the world changed around them.

Anyway, I was reminded of all this when someone sent me a link to a more recent jazz film, featuring Dave Brubeck:

Once again, the jazz greats can be broadcast right into your living room…no desolated warehouse district required.

Business Logic Flaws

Excellent commentary by Jeremiah on some obvious flaws that often do not get the kind attention they should from product management. In other words, some product managers may not care that the system they are promoting is hackable and will sour as users figure out the game is flawed. They will not care because they are blinkered by short-term objectives such as getting page view numbers up or meeting expectations on the street. Am I being too cynical?

Most of the time we can’t find these issues by scanning, we have to find them by hand, or from customer support when they receive hundreds of calls from pissed-off users because they can’t improve their chess rank. There is more to this hack.

There are literally thousands of people (or more) with an amazing about of free time to do the most mundane tasks for the most inane rewards.

Ah, culture. One person’s inane task is another person’s treasure. I’ll trade you my chess rank for those pretty and shiny metal disks…

EDITED TO ADD (28 Dec 2006): Reuters has posted a story about another group using technology to cheat at chess:

Sharma was finally caught at a recent tournament when officials discovered that he had stitched a Bluetooth device in a cloth cap which he always pulled over his ears.


One of the most amazing things about Craig is his penchant for taking the time to notice things simple yet sublime. He used to write about and take photos of birds. I miss that (it was like virtual bird watching), but I did notice his recent photo of a sunrise over San Francisco.

Anyone else notice that his next post just so happens to be about the Sunlight Foundation? Could it have been…foreshadowing? I have to say the image was a bit shadowy.

Tuna Farms and Marriage

Maybe I just haven’t spent enough time in Japan, but this part of a story about raising tuna caught (pun not intended) me by surprise:

This is clearly a labour of love, but how will he feel when the time comes to send his fish to the market to be slaughtered for the first time?

“It will be like sending my daughters off to get married,” he says with a grin. “Joy and sadness.” But will he be eating them? “Definitely!”

Eating your daughters after they are married? I think something must be missing in that translation. Although it does make me wonder why people are often so intent on eating things that are raised in far away places, often saying the further the better the taste, but they do not want their children marrying anyone from outside a small radius…strange analogy, I know, but the BBC started it.