Category Archives: Sailing

Death and Sailing

Happy Birthday A Team! It’s been far too long since I last wrote an entry. Hello to everyone out in Internet land. Have you heard the story of Dan Eldon? I am not fond of the site, but you can get an idea of what an amazing photographer and artist he was before his untimely death.

A-cat RacingRacing my cat in the Kickoff regatta was great. Rob Howe took a photo of me outpacing a Prindle 19 in flat water and a stiff breeze (that’s me on the right). You can see the BIG version of the photo here. I also found a photo that shows me preparing to round the leeward mark. In the end, the race committee was smoking crack and robbed Julian of a first place, but the conditions were ideal. Division Three [used to have] more information online.

I sent a message to Sailing Anarchy asking if they had any articles on the A-Class cats…they responded by asking me if I wanted to write one for them. They MUST be anarchists.

A blustery day on the water

Do you care what the weather is up to o’er ‘ere? Check out the local met station webpage. Julian and I discovered yesterday it is fairly easy handle the cats in fierce conditions, although I confess we had the sails completely de-powered. The wind was similar to today’s reading:

   $ finger 
        Wind Speed:             +14.592 m/s     (+32.642 mph)
        Maximum Wind Gust:      +16.376 m/s     (+36.633 mph)

Whoa Bessie!



Yesterday’s wind was light but Julian and I raced the auscats out to mile buoy and back while the sun set in a huge pool of orange and purple stripes. Julian said it looked like someone was painting the sky. The boats are amazingly sensitive, so I discovered that fiddling with mast rotation in light air is a bad idea. Basically, 45 and 90 degrees of rotation are the optimum angles for upwind and downwind respectively. The slumbering seals at the buoy were less than happy to see Julian when he swung close and gave them a big toothy grin. Back on land, here’s the recipe of the day: peanut-butter cookies from