Category Archives: Sailing

The Volvo Pirates

Something about the words “Pirate” and “Volvo” just dont’ go together, but nonetheless the media mogul Disney has entered their billboard into the famous round-the-world race. Early images of what real Pirates should look forward to in their waters indicate a flashy black and red cartoon character. I can just imagine being sleep-deprived in high seas during the middle of the night and staring at the eerie glow of a giant skull on the foresail. No word on the specifics yet, but the 70-footer will probably be outfitted with some of Harken’s latest wenches. Har har!

Nov 14th update: Hall Spars is apparently doing the rigging. Congrats Ben!

Death and Sailing

Happy Birthday A Team! It’s been far too long since I last wrote an entry. Hello to everyone out in Internet land. Have you heard the story of Dan Eldon? I am not fond of the site, but you can get an idea of what an amazing photographer and artist he was before his untimely death.

A-cat RacingRacing my cat in the Kickoff regatta was great. Rob Howe took a photo of me outpacing a Prindle 19 in flat water and a stiff breeze (that’s me on the right). You can see the BIG version of the photo here. I also found a photo that shows me preparing to round the leeward mark. In the end, the race committee was smoking crack and robbed Julian of a first place, but the conditions were ideal. Division Three [used to have] more information online.

I sent a message to Sailing Anarchy asking if they had any articles on the A-Class cats…they responded by asking me if I wanted to write one for them. They MUST be anarchists.

A blustery day on the water

Do you care what the weather is up to o’er ‘ere? Check out the local met station webpage. Julian and I discovered yesterday it is fairly easy handle the cats in fierce conditions, although I confess we had the sails completely de-powered. The wind was similar to today’s reading:

   $ finger 
        Wind Speed:             +14.592 m/s     (+32.642 mph)
        Maximum Wind Gust:      +16.376 m/s     (+36.633 mph)

Whoa Bessie!