Quebec Converts Crosswalks to Pop-up Car Barriers

Here’s a shocking revelation: crosswalks don’t protect pedestrians. As you maybe read here before when I joked about the fantasy crime called “jaywalking”, or wrote about cultural disparities in road safety, crosswalks are an unfair conspiracy by American car manufacturers that removed non-motorized forms of transportation (including pedestrians and especially women on bicycles) from the … Continue reading Quebec Converts Crosswalks to Pop-up Car Barriers

A Sailor-Historian-Technologist Perspective on the Boeing 737 MAX Disaster

The tragedy of Boeing’s 737 product security decisions create a sad trifecta for someone interested in aeronautics, lessons from the past, and risk management. First, there was a sailor’s warning. We know Boeing moved a jet engine into a position that fundamentally changed handling. This was a result of Airbus ability to add a more … Continue reading A Sailor-Historian-Technologist Perspective on the Boeing 737 MAX Disaster

Arizona Rush to Adopt Driverless Cars Devolves Into Pedestrian War

Look, I’m not saying I have predicted this exact combat scenario for several years as described in my presentations (and sadly it also was my Kiwicon talk proposal for this year), I’m just openly wondering at this point why Arizona’s rabidly pro-gun legislators didn’t argue driverless cars are protected by Waymo’s 2nd Amendment right to … Continue reading Arizona Rush to Adopt Driverless Cars Devolves Into Pedestrian War

Could truck drivers lose their jobs to robots?

Next time you bang on a vending machine for a bottle that refuses to fall into your hands, ask yourself if restaurants soon will have only robots serving you meals. Maybe it’s true there is no future for humans in service industries. Go ahead, list them all in your head. Maybe problems robots have with … Continue reading Could truck drivers lose their jobs to robots?