Poetry as education

I haven’t read this book by Sam Apple yet, but it certainly looks interesting. The following quote by Honor Moore caught my attention:

“[A]s self-deprecating as a poetic version of Woody Allen.”

And here’s the synopsis on the website, which indicates that a shepherd used a form of rhyming verses to help fight ignorance in Austria after WWII:

Hans Breuer, Austria’s only wandering shepherd, is also a Yiddish folksinger. He walks the Alps, shepherd’s stick in hand, singing lullabies to his 625 sheep. Sometimes he even gives concerts in historically anti-Semitic towns, showing slides of the flock as he belts out Yiddish ditties. Born in 1954, Breuer spent his childhood in Vienna fighting the lingering Nazism in Austrian society. His performances are an attempt to educate his fellow citizens on the people their parents and grandparents had helped to wipe out of Europe.

I always said rhymes were the best way to help educate, since they are memorable and often contagious. “Ctrl-Alt-Delete when you leave your seat” has been the most successful I’ve found so far…

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