Category Archives: Security

Meaningful papers

Origami Warrior We struggle to make our words transform simple paper into something descriptive and meaningful. In fact we struggle to make the screen represent our thoughts through words alone (long live gopher!) and so we resort to posting images.

What if you were forbidden from using inks or dyes; banned from expressing yourself through words or from drawing/painting a picture on paper? Would you learn to transform the paper itself into a physical representation of your thoughts? This could be a whole new way to present complex information to the viewer, without need for anything other than the paper itself (no inks, etc.) …something like this.

Never underestimate the creative ability of the human mind.

Where SMS messages go to die

Years ago I had a bit of a tiff with my cell phone carrier. I was getting spam via SMS and they bluntly told me they had never heard of such a thing and had no idea how to stop it from happening. Since I was charged a fee per message, I assumed this problem would take a long time to resolve itself, and so I just lodged a formal complaint to my carrier and was forced to disable SMS and wait.

Here’s a guy who has an even bigger issue:

Bubrouski, a computer science major at Northeastern University in Boston, is the proud owner of ‘,’ an account on the popular Verizon text messaging service that allows Internet users to send e-mail and IM messages directly to his cell phone as SMS text messages.

Bubrouski said he was just being clever when he signed up for a Verizon vText account with the user name ‘null,’ after his parents bought him his first mobile phone during his freshman year at Northeastern, in 2001.

Ooops. Now he receives loads of unroutable SMS messages on his phone including information from people who forget to fill out the “to” field:

That data has become more sensitive in recent months, as companies rush to deliver everything from SAT test scores to medical information and automobile diagnostics to cell phones and PDAs.

Bubrouski’s experience, while unusual, could be a sign of growing pains in the wireless industry, as companies rush to provide wireless data services, overlooking steps that could secure the data in transit, according to one security expert.

Unbelievable, really, that the “null” account would be assigned to an end user in the first place, but even more shocking that messages can be sent without proper routing information.

The eWeek article is a fun overview on why SMS still needs a lot of security to be bolted on and perhaps even why it will require a major redesign or replacement in the near future.

If we oppose drilling, why do we do it?

Let’s say the public is polled, and they say they oppose something; perhaps something like drilling for oil in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge:

Question: Should oil drilling be allowed in America’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge?

— 53 percent — Do Not Allow Oil Drilling

— 38 percent — Allow Oil Drilling

The poll found a remarkable gap in intensity of feeling about drilling: 44 percent of respondents strongly oppose drilling, while just 25 percent strongly support it. Only about 10 percent were undecided on this issue.

What then could be driving some representatives in government to press ahead with plans to drill for oil in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge? Hard to say what motives are, but that is exactly what a website is trying to figure out. Granted they have a rather heavy-handed approach, and their data is not exactly transparent, but it does show some pretty nice capabilities for collecting and presenting data.

I guess the real question is can this site demonstrate a that contributions have led to pro-drilling votes. It is odd to me that they do not have that figured out, yet they suggest you tell everyone to stop taking money. And even if they did show a trend of payments and pro-drilling votes they would still have to account for the usual correllation/causation issues…

What better serves the cause of national security?

Common Sense Budget Act sponsor Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) had some interesting things to say about government spending and security:

What better serves the cause of national security? Investment in first responders, energy independence and global nutrition … or billions that we’re still pouring into the F-22A Raptor, which was designed to outpace Soviet fighter jets?

Dr. Lawrence J. Korb, former Assistant Secretary of Defense to Ronald Reagan for Manpower, Installations, and Logistics, gave more detail on the proposal in a report titled “A Realistic Defense for America”:

Without diminishing America’s ability to fight extremists, American can save $60 billion by eliminating Cold War-era weapons systems and programs designed to thwart the former Soviet Union – weapons and programs that are not useful in defending our country from extremists or the other threats we now face.