Ukranian Drones Struck Russian Warships, Again Proving Elon Musk a Liar

Allegedly Elon Musk continuously lies about who told him to protect Russian warships and why he did it. Gaslighting, as usual, the unstable Musk has said both he personally stepped in to help Putin save the Russian ships, and also that he refused to step in and did nothing in order to help Putin save … Continue reading Ukranian Drones Struck Russian Warships, Again Proving Elon Musk a Liar

What Could Be More Steampunk Than A Ukrainian Maxim Machine Gun Quad Shooting Down Iranian Drones?

The Ukrainian and Russian approaches to war could not be more opposite. Learning and innovating, creating and maintaining, Ukrainians are showing off four colonial-era Maxim machine guns (made famous in WWI) turned into a quad anti-drone machine. Ukrainians are thinking hard, and working hard in measurable ways. It has signs of long-view sustainable effeminacy. Russia … Continue reading What Could Be More Steampunk Than A Ukrainian Maxim Machine Gun Quad Shooting Down Iranian Drones?

Swarm Drones Have Flaws Nobody Is Talking About

A million years ago (when I was at NASA working on security for people like physicists designing robotics for Mars) we talked about all the obstacles to swarms being successful. Lately it seems like the script has been flipped and journalists are breathlessly warning that nothing can stop swarms. In a decade or so we … Continue reading Swarm Drones Have Flaws Nobody Is Talking About

Russian Drones Won’t Work in Russian Weather

It seems only fitting to hear Russia not only is running out of drones due to lack of planning, its remaining drones don’t work due to… what UNIAN hints was a lack of planning. Российская армия перестала применять против Украины иранские беспилотники Shahed-136 не потому, что израсходовала весь запас, а потому, что эти БПЛА не … Continue reading Russian Drones Won’t Work in Russian Weather