The new face of security in America

Gizmodo reports that a small business owner has taken physical security of his property into his own hands:

When necessary, Terrill fires up the 400lb device and powers it from afar with a remote control. Using the control and a walkie-talkie, he approaches the vagrants around his bar and a local day care center to inform them via the robot’s loudspeaker that they are trespassing on private property. If that doesn’t do the trick, he gets rough with the water cannon. Apparently the robot has been so successful that the owner of the day care facility wishes she had three more just like it.

In the 1800s America had a notorious problem with armed gangs “defending” their respective territories. The British concept of a police force was adopted to help introduce a more democratic form of law enforcement. While far from perfect, the economy of scale made security more affordable to each person or even community who otherwise might not be able to pay for a special security force. Now the cost of police has reached a point where modern technology will increasingly be added to the mix to fill the security gap.

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