Non, je ne regrette rien

by Michel Vaucaire

Non, Rien De Rien, Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien
Ni Le Bien Qu’on M’a Fait, Ni Le Mal
Tout Ca M’est Bien Egal
Non, Rien De Rien, Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien
C’est Paye, Balaye, Oublie, Je Me Fous Du Passe

Avec Mes Souvenirs J’ai Allume Le Feu
Mes Shagrins, Mes Plaisirs,
Je N’ai Plus Besoin D’eux
Balaye Les Amours Avec Leurs Tremolos
Balaye Pour Toujours
Je Reparas A Zero

Non, Rien De Rien, Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien
Ni Le Bien Qu’on M’a Fait, Ni Le Mal
Tout Ca M’est Bien Egal
Non, Rien De Rien, Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien
Car Ma Vie, Car Me Joies
Aujourd’hui Ca Commence Avec Toi

Wikipedia explains:

Piaf dedicated her recording of the song to the French Foreign Legion. At the time of the recording, France was engaged in a military conflict, the Algerian War (1956–1962), and the 1st R E P (Premier Regiment Etranger de Parachutistes, First Regiment Foreign Paratroopers) — which backed a temporary putsch by the French military against the civilian leadership of Algeria — adopted the song when their resistance was broken in April 1961. The leadership of the Regiment was arrested and tried but the non-commissioned officers, corporals and Legionnaires were assigned to other Foreign Legion formations. They left the barracks singing the song, which has now become part of the French Foreign Legion heritage and is sung when they are on parade.

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