Street Artist Arrested: KKKatie Taken Down

The city of San Francisco has re-arrested a “street artist” known for spray-painting “KKK”. Aggressive Panhandler, a local blog, has an amusing take, called KKKatie Taken Down, Or: How Not to be a “Street Artist”

Look, I’m not one to debate street art vs. vandalism, but if you’re gonna go around trying to make a name for yourself using $15 worth of supplies from the hardware store, could you at least make it look kind of nice? Did you only have one can of paint? You probably shouldn’t be running with a nom de guerre that includes a commonly recognized abbreviation of your given name either. I know if I ever start calling myself a Rustoleum Wrangler, I’m gonna go by “ChChCharlie” and my tagline will be “Do not attempt to tag actual human beings.”

That last line is a reference to how the artist threatened to spray paint a man who reported her to the police. She also threatened the man with racial comments and false claims if he turned her in.

“…she said to me, ‘If you do dial 9-1-1, I’m going to say you raped me and tried to kidnap me. Who do you think they’re going to believe, a black man or a white woman?’ And, I said, ‘Well, let’s see,'” Moore said.

The city arrested her but let her go, foolishly. Then she went on another KKK spree until she was detained and then attacked a police officer. The city now is said to have spent more than $10,000 just for cleaning surfaces, including a statue, that she spray painted with KKK.

The artist claims it stands for Kooky, Krazy Kid. This seems irrelevant to me. She uses initials and leaves it open to interpretation. If she painted Kooky, Krazy Kid then she might have a leg to stand on. As much as I am a fan of street art, this does not qualify and the police have unfortunately let the tab run instead of shutting her down when they had the first chance.

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