Cyber War???

Today at RSA, during a keynote session, Sec. Michael Chertoff, Bruce Schneier, and ADM Mike McConnell discussed “cyber war.” The consensus appeared to be that the term cyber war is over used.

I would take it a step further and say many make too big a deal over the term and constantly claim a cyber 911 or cyber Pearl Harbor is coming.

Also today at RSA during a round table with Dorothy Denning and others the audience was asked how many believed we have already had a cyber war. Despite the media’s claims, apparently to sensationalize the news, very few if anyone in the audience was willing to agree a cyber war has already occurred.

So, why all the discussion and uncertainty about cyber war? One word: attribution!

How do you know who is actually attacking you? Should a nation go to war against a 14 year old sitting at home using his parents computer and Internet connection?

Let’s face it, for now cyber war is what will happen between nations when prepping the battlefield prior to a kinetic offensive. Right now, in my opinion, the biggest threat is cyber espionage.

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