NZ Man Who Boasted Autopilot Saves Lives is Found Guilty of Death Using a Tesla

Jail is being discussed now.

Judge Marshall found Sharma was distracted driving on a road he’d never driven before and not noticing the “dip” in the road ahead of him.

The judge cited supplied evidence that Dawson Rd was used by 300 to 500 cars each day, yet there’d only been one other serious crash in that area since 2017.

The accused is an unbelievably horrible liar, who seems to have repeatedly told officials ridiculous yarns to avoid his obvious guilt… as if trying to personally extend Elon Musk’s perpetual fraud.

Sharma claimed he crashed his Tesla and killed his friend in order to avoid a raccoon on the road, in a country that has no raccoons.

Sharma claimed his phone automatically on its own started searching Safari for how to delete Tesla data after he crashed.

Sharma claimed to have rescued his friend from the car by dragging her to safety, yet she was found burned to death underneath it.

In case you were wondering who still buys and drives a Tesla, this man is who; a person who believes in acquiring magic status tokens, that by swallowing false promises of a racist demagogue the laws of physics or country should no longer apply to them.

Sharma literally texted “Autopilot saves lives” after dangerous driving, foreshadowing he would then ignore the road and crash his Tesla, killing his friend.

The death curve is alarming from Tesla because its sub-par engineering combined with con-art by Elon Musk’s “88” personality traits can only result in ever more disasters.

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