Tesla FSD 12.4 Worst Version Ever: Still Can’t Deliver Even 2016 Promises

People have finally caught on to the Elon Musk fraud, like the rapid end of Frank Abignale, and seem just tired of being defrauded, instead of justifiably angry or vengeful.

Note the tone of this new report:

…the aggression of 12.4.3, followed by the vague promise of future improvement with “more data,” it just feels too familiar. Tesla announces an update with an unfalsifiable, absurd claim about “a giant leap” forward.

Reviewers film it slamming into curbs or driving the wrong way down public roads with pedestrians nearby, and say they are impressed by its promise, if only Tesla could iron out the “edge cases.” A new update drops, and the last issues are fixed. But seven new issues crop up, which will be gently noted in videos from fully bought-in “reviewers,” and the cycle repeats.


Without fraud there would be no Tesla. And the latest FSD has now been verified as significantly worse, a danger to society, unable to even deliver on the promises of 2016.

That’s the state of FSD in 2024. The technology is still not legally self-driving. It is still 100% on the driver if something happens. It is still unable to make good on promises Musk made in 2016, like the claim that it would be able to drive anywhere in the country with no one inside by 2018. By the end of 2020, there were supposed to be 1 million robotaxis on the road. By 2024 there were actually zero.

And so, what is anyone going to do about the Abignale of cars? Why is this cycle allowed at all, let alone set to repeat? Where is the FBI on this? Too busy propping up Crowdstrike?

Tesla Hit-and-Run Kills Small Child, and Yet Another Pedestrian Killed

The Dawn Project keeps reporting that Tesla “runs down children” on the road. That truth doesn’t seem to stop Tesla from selling cars to the kind of people who would run over a child and then flee.

And so in the news now we have tragic stories like this one:

The Oklahoma Highway Patrol responded to a fatal collision in the northbound and southbound lanes of I-35 that resulted in the death of a small child. […] The passenger came to a rest in the southbound lanes of I-35. An unknown black Tesla struck the passenger and after coming to a brief stop, fled the scene driving southbound.

In related news, another pedestrian was just killed by Tesla.

Around 2:35 p.m., callers reported that a man had run onto the freeway and was struck by a white Tesla just north of Birmingham Drive…

As dear readers of this blog may recall (hi mom!), I’ve said for many years now that Tesla would increasingly kill pedestrians.

Elon Musk: X Twitter Election Interference is By Design

Multiple reports allege that xTwitter has started actively blocking views for a political candidate they dislike.

Attempts to follow @KamalaHQ, Harris’s official rapid response page, resulted in an error message stating “something went wrong” or that users had reached their follow limit, preventing them from following any more accounts.

Musk responded by posting a screenshot of the error message accompanied by a gloating remark: “Sure did.”

This is a predictable outcome following promises of 2022, when Elon Musk bought the social media platform and boasted that he could use it to help his political candidates win elections without a campaign.

This doublespeak for his campaign platform intention is reminiscent of how Elon Musk runs Tesla PR to pump stock price with social media bots, astroturf and paid accounts, yet tells everyone they don’t do PR.

Rather juvenile evidence of anti-democratic extremist affiliation and coordination within xTwitter campaign interference groups seems almost too obvious. First swastikas, now this.

And just for the record, Elon Musk’s grandfather was humiliated in Canadian politics as he basically ran for office as a rich Nazi to create a white ethnostate (it’s why in 1950 he fled to run South African Apartheid instead). Their family platform of “some of my friends“… is not now and has never been a good campaign look.

“Tesla Syndrome”: Car Owners Stay in a Living Hell Worse Than Stockholm

A woman in Australia is more than open about her Tesla being an absolute pile of garbage that constantly breaks down and can’t do its basic job. It’s literally described as a threat to her life and her kids as well.

And then she also says she loves having a “terrifyingly unreliable” disaster hell in her life every day, letting her down in every possible way.

Her claims drew the attention of Aussie car expert John Cadgoan, who said the brand was among the least reliable in the world.

‘They’ve changed the future of transportation. We agree on this point only, I would argue not for the better,’ he said in a video posted to YouTube.

The car expert slammed Ms Bishop for her support of the company despite going through ‘unreliability hell’.

The comments on the video are… salty:

— 7 months pregnant and made to climb out the side window of a Tesla, and still a cult member, speaks volumes. They drive among us.

— The main thing that tesla did to save her life was to continually shit itself and keep her off the road!

— As a professional driver who can spend 60 or more hours a week driving it’s scary to contemplate that there is idiots like this sharing the road.

She doesn’t even want this useless pile of garbage and warns everyone it’s a terrible life decision, at the same time she also wants everyone to know that she, wait for it… is in “love” with it.

Over the past five-and-a-half years, Ms Bishop says the car has experienced 12 major failures and more than two dozen minor failures, requiring towing on four occasions up to 500 kilometres each time.

“The bottom line is it’s a lemon,” she said. “I don’t know why they can’t just take it back…” Ms Bishop… lodged a case with the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) last month seeking a “substantial” partial refund from Tesla.

“I love my car,” she said.

Stockholm syndrome is used to refer to hostages who develop a psychological bond with their captors. Tesla syndrome should be used to describe how a CEO is allowed to develop a psychological bond for profit from his hostages.

In related news, people buying the Cybertruck are using “zero down” loans and can’t afford its lack of reliability let alone its artificially inflated sticker, putting themselves into massive debt holes they can’t survive.