Why DOGE Keeps Hyperventilating About Efficiency: Fever Dreams of Totalitarian End to Democracy

Department of Government Extermination (DOGE) Can’t Stop Talking Up Efficiency, as if Nobody Remembers What That Means in History

The disease of efficiency is so dangerous because at first it appears rational. Who opposes a little more efficiency? That’s the pitch. But this misses the point. Who judges the amount, the purpose, the speed and impact of reductions? Fever dreams of rapid efficiency actually foreshadow power and control being transferred catastrophically for the worst tragedies in human history.

In 1958, political scientist Ellis McCune issued a warning that still haunts us today: democracy itself was under threat from the cult of efficiency also known as totalitarianism.

Writing during the height of the Cold War, McCune saw how the pressure to compete with Soviet rocket ship propaganda advocating for extreme “efficiency” was creating dangerous impulses to sacrifice democratic freedoms for streamlined decision-making. (Khrushchev later admitted the efficiency of Soviet rocket engineering meant huge errors beyond several thousand kilometers, meaning he feared test launches could accidentally land on Alaska).

Many experts have pointed to SpaceX as a copy-paste of the worst ideas of Soviet engineering and thus experiencing similar “efficiencies” (rapid failure)

McCune’s clarion warning echoes through the decades: when institutions become obsessed with efficiency above all else, totalitarianism follows.

Danger of DOGE

McCune identified three specific dangers that emerge when societies prioritize efficiency over democracy. First is the loss of self-government through “the need for secrecy and dispatch”. We see that immediately already with DOGE. Second is the concentration of economic power in the name of efficiency, also seen in DOGE. Third is the abandonment of democratic processes in a “rush toward authoritarianism”, which we saw yesterday with Elon Musk standing in his platform shoes over two children, mocking the President like a scared little boy.

Elon Musk, standing in platform shoes to hover over everyone in a White House takeover speech, shows America how DOG-E means the sitting U.S. President is now his little bitch

These weren’t theoretical concerns then and they certainly aren’t today either. By 1958, the world had already seen how the language of efficiency enabled some of history’s greatest atrocities.

Efficiency of DOGE is the Atrocity Across Ideology

Fascist Nazi Germany: The Bureaucracy of Genocide

The Nazi regime represented the apotheosis of efficient mass murder. The Holocaust was planned at the Wannsee Conference like a business optimization meeting. IBM’s punch card technology helped track victims with industrial precision. The death camps themselves were designed with assembly-line efficiency in mind. The entire apparatus of genocide was wrapped in the bloodless language of administrative efficiency.

Fascist Apartheid South Africa: Efficient Segregation

The apartheid regime, which Elon Musk grew up with, used efficiency arguments to justify its entire system of racial oppression. The Group Areas Act was sold as efficient urban planning. The Bantustans were portrayed as an efficient administrative solution. Each “efficiency improvement” meant more rights stripped away, more lives destroyed.

Colonial Belgian King: The Efficient Colony

King Leopold II ran the Congo as history’s most efficient extraction operation, leading to millions of deaths. Every atrocity was justified by the need for efficient rubber quotas. Human beings were reduced to units of production in a horrifically efficient system.

Colonial British Raj: Efficient Famine

The British reorganized traditional Indian agriculture in the name of efficiency, contributing to devastating famines that killed millions. Traditional community systems that had worked for centuries were destroyed for “modern” efficiency.

Communist Soviet Union: The Efficient Farm

Stalin’s drive for agricultural “efficiency” through collectivization led directly to the deaths of millions in Ukraine. Traditional farming practices were declared inefficient and eliminated, replaced by centrally planned starvation. Human complexity was sacrificed on the altar of systematic efficiency.

Communist Khmer Rouge: Year Zero Efficiency

The Khmer Rouge’s “Year Zero” policy sought to efficiently remake Cambodian society by eliminating intellectuals and urban dwellers. Their drive for agricultural efficiency led to killing fields. Human difference itself was treated as an inefficiency to be eliminated.

DOGE Destroying America

The same progression seen above is happening now in America in four stages. First, DOGE repeatedly pumps the message that efficiency alone is the highest value, promoting destruction of any and all aid or assistance to the needy. This is a cruel betrayal of humanity, a overt destruction of governance, wrapped in a the candy coating of saving money. Second, any human complexity or diversity is mapped as “inefficiencies” to be eliminated. Covering up posters, walls and wiping websites removes people who don’t “fit” the DOGE definition of the most “efficient” concepts of identity (either a white man or not).

Source: BlueSky

Third comes the use of technical, administrative language to mask moral horrors. How much money can be made from selling crematoriums? Wall Street seems to love the Tesla vehicles killing more people than ever in deadly fires, even as sales collapse. The last phase is an eventual elimination of human “inefficiencies” through violence.

DOGE Worse Than Toxic TechBros

Similar patterns have been emerging in more subtle forms for a decade already. The line from early tech “optimization” culture to DOGE is yet another proof of how unchecked “efficiency” will evolve toward the crime of authoritarianism if no prevention measures are implemented. DOGE is the extremist worst form of what has been allowed to bubble along in Silicon Valley, regression (lack of innovation) allowed to go unregulated for far too long:

  • Workplace surveillance justified as productivity optimization
  • Algorithmic decision-making promising efficient resource allocation while encoding bias
  • Healthcare systems that prioritize throughput over human care
  • Immigration systems that reduce complex human situations to simple go/no go criteria
  • Gender binary enforcement that treats human diversity as inefficient deviation
  • Educational standardization that eliminates “inefficient” forms of learning and teaching

That was all bad, and left unchecked it has fertilized something far, far worse. Following McCune’s framework, we see clearly that Elon Musk is emboldened to go around screaming from the top of a mountain that he is the Stalin of the Soviet Union, he is the Pol Pot of Cambodia, he is the Hitler of Nazi Germany, he is the AWB of South Africa.

A South African Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) member in 2010 (left) and a South African-born member of MAGA in the U.S. on 20 January 2025 (right). Source: The Guardian. Photograph: AFP via Getty Images, Reuters

The signals are obvious because Musk wants to socialize and normalize the most extreme harms. He is worse than someone saying he can shoot to death a stranger on 5th avenue and nobody would even notice. He is worse than someone saying he can grab women by their…. His escalation to even louder alarms are not exaggerations, because Musk brightly lights up all five reliable dictatorship indicators with overt moves to end American democracy.

  1. Calls for “streamlining” democratic processes
  2. The treatment of human complexity as an obstacle to be eliminated
  3. The use of technical language to mask moral decisions
  4. The portrayal of rights, regulations and protections as “inefficient friction”
  5. The concentration of power in the name of efficient decision-making

Fatal Flaw of Musk Efficiency

Elon Musk has been a frequent promoter of an AfD (Nazi) Party in Germany, which generates widespread disgust and protests such as this graffiti outside the Berlin Tesla factory.

What McCune understood, and what we must remember, is that democracy is inherently and deliberately opposed to abuse of “efficient” ideas that are basically cheats and fraud to cause harms. Debate, dissent, checks and balances, and protecting rights all create friction in a system to force sustainable and healthy long-term outcomes instead of mass graves. That’s not a bug, it’s a feature of avoiding “penny wise, pound foolish” self-destruction by dictators hiding bodies. The “inefficiencies” of democracy are exactly what protect from authoritarian overreach and genocide.

Efficiency at What Cost?

The pressure for efficiency isn’t going away. If anything, in an age of artificial intelligence and automated decision-making, it’s increasing. The question isn’t whether to be efficient or not, but rather:

Efficient for whom? At whose cost? Serving what values? To what end?

We face the same choice McCune identified in 1958: whether to sacrifice democratic freedoms on the altar of toxic efficiency headed towards an explosion of accidents, or to remember that human dignity often requires being willingly, proudly deliberate instead.

Notably Elon Musk has said he doesn’t mind making mistakes, either to get away with them or have others shoulder the heavy price, basically describing his takeover as operating above the law.

Elon Musk denied leading a “hostile takeover” of the US government and defended his cost-cutting plans… “It’s not like I think I can get away with something.” […] “Some of the things that I say will be incorrect and should be corrected”.

He’s saying he will be incorrect, like saying he will commit crimes.

Hostile takeover? Should be corrected. Go ahead. Try to catch him if you can.

Observe how his newest and best Tesla “driverless” software suddenly accelerates into a pole. This is a man who knows full well that he’s in blitzkrieg mode, flooding targets with a volume and velocity of damage (efficiently worse) to makes the trail of destruction impossible to correct.

Elon Musk declared to investors in 2025 his engineers had solved for crashes and there would be no more this year. Immediately afterwards, as if a robot wanted to quickly demonstrate the true meaning of reckless “efficiency”, Tesla’s latest version of “Full Self Driving” in their latest version of a Swasticar catastrophically drove itself into a pole.

Your humanity is not to be optimized away through rushed dangerous mistakes and cover-ups. Your rights are not obstacles to be streamlined away in the name of making Elon Musk more money faster while millions face starvation. Your dignity is not a resource to be extracted and given away.

When you hear DOGE pumping efficiency above all else, remember this history. Remember that before every great bloody atrocity came the bloodless disinformation of optimization.

Today’s efficiency metrics – from productivity scores to algorithmic decision-making – hide rampantly dehumanizing assumptions. The gig economy’s “efficient” allocation methods has shifted the entire tech industry towards treating people as interchangeable disposable parts rather than human beings. Round after round of layoffs in false claims of “optimization” has become endemic to Big Tech in America.

Half of the business leaders admitted that 75% or more of the layoffs at the company in the past year weren’t necessary for cutting costs. Also, about 62% of business leaders said that their company disguised performance-based terminations as layoffs in an effort to maintain company morale, while 59% said they did so in order to avoid wrongful termination claims.

What’s particularly chilling about learning history is how ordinary people – engineers, businessmen, bureaucrats – participate in catastrophic atrocities while viewing themselves as just doing some math rather than facilitating maniacal human rights violations. The banality of evil, as Hannah Arendt termed it, often wore the mask of technical optimization.

We need to be deeply skeptical of technocratic approaches to human problems because they are rooted in fascism leading to optimized killing fields and crematoriums. Any real efficiency would account for sustainability instead with indicators of human dignity, rights, and wellbeing – not just mechanical redirection of wealth to a single insecure man wearing platform shoes throwing Hitler salutes.

The warning is clear: America needs to be deliberately and immediately ending Elon Musk’s latest attempts to destroy America and replace it with his “occupy Mars” (white supremacist colonialism) concept of Technocracy (fascism).

DOGE is quite simply banking on what Tesla has gotten away with for a decade already, moving so fast to break so many things so badly that families can only grieve their loved ones falling victim to a mass destruction for profit model.

Teslas notoriously “veer” uncontrollably to the right and crash, trapping everyone inside as intense flames burn them to death. Witnesses and emergency responders can only watch in horror, no matter how fast they respond. A lack of disaster prevention is how Elon Musk got rich, and thus why he plans to do the exact same thing with government.

VP Vance Hints at Martial Law in Bid to Overthrow U.S. Courts and End Democracy

The White House has launched an attack on judicial review that is very familiar to any historian of U.S. foreign intervention tactics (coups).

It raises the question, if someone is following a historical playbook for instituting martial law, but hasn’t gotten far enough to openly declare it yet, should we wait until they explicitly say “martial law” before using that term? This article makes a case that Vance is following specific steps from a documented pattern that historically led to martial law and military tribunals.

When he suggested that “judges aren’t allowed to control the executive’s legitimate power,” Vance wasn’t drawing from American constitutional tradition – he was echoing the well-known playbook the United States repeatedly used to dismantle democratic institutions abroad.

Throughout the 20th century, the U.S. developed a clear pattern for supporting regime change: systematically undermining judicial independence as a crucial step toward establishing unchecked executive control. The parallels between these historical interventions and current rhetoric about limiting judicial review are striking and deeply concerning.

The Military Intervention Template

The U.S. playbook for overseas intervention typically followed a four stage plan to remove existing government and quickly replace it with a dictatorship:

  • Declare judicial oversight as obstruction of necessary reforms
  • Assert certain executive powers as beyond judicial review
  • Establish parallel systems (often military tribunals)
  • Eventually eliminate judicial independence entirely

Precedents Americans Tend to Forget, Because Somewhere Else

Chile 1973:

Following the U.S.-backed coup against Salvador Allende, Pinochet’s junta moved immediately to neutralize judicial oversight. By September 14, 1973 – just three days after the coup – the Constitutional Court was suspended. The regime argued that national security requirements superseded judicial authority, eerily similar to current arguments about executive privilege.

Guatemala 1954:

When the CIA orchestrated the overthrow of democratically elected President Arbenz, the dismantling of judicial independence was swift and methodical. Within weeks of Colonel Carlos Castillo Armas taking power in July 1954, the constitution was suspended and military tribunals replaced civilian courts. The justification? That the judiciary was impeding necessary anti-communist reforms and economic modernization.

Iran 1953:

Operation AJAX’s overthrow of Mossadegh was followed by a systematic purge of independent judges. By September 1953, civilian courts were subordinated to military authority. The Shah’s government claimed judicial oversight was hampering essential economic and security reforms – a recurring theme in attacks on judicial independence.

Need I go on?

Vance Brings it Home

Vance knows domestically it’s been ruled the judiciary can judge the executive, and he doesn’t care. When he suggests judges can’t review certain executive actions, he’s drawing from the foreign interventionist playbook that says the end of democracy is justified by corporations and Christians wanting more control (fewer liberties).

His specific examples about military operations and prosecutorial discretion mirror arguments used in Guatemala, Chile, and Iran to begin the process of eliminating judicial oversight and end democracy.

Iran’s trajectory in particular should terrify anyone following Bannon’s vision for America. After the U.S. helped overthrow its democratic government in 1953, the resulting authoritarian regime collapsed into the 1979 Islamic Revolution – creating precisely the kind of anti-American theocratic state that Bannon has repeatedly praised as a model of religious nationalism, while seemingly blind to how U.S. interference with Iran’s judiciary created the conditions for that revolution.

The connection runs deeper through the Reagan years into today. Many Reagan administration officials who later condemned Iran’s hostility had earlier supported dismantling its independent judiciary under the Shah. U.S. actions – including the systematic destruction of judicial review that Vance now promotes – helped transform Iran from a democracy into first a dictatorship and then a theocratic state. This same blueprint appears in Project 2025’s vision of “traditionalist” governance through expanded executive power and weakened courts.

This historical parallel exposes the dangerous consistency in Bannon’s position. The same playbook that helped create an anti-American Iran is now being proposed for use at home to create an anti-American America. When Bannon praises Iran’s religious nationalism while supporting attacks on America’s independent judiciary, he’s endorsing the very tactics that destroyed Iranian democracy and created the system of religious law he claims to admire – but this time, he wants to deploy them against American courts.

Project 2025: The Domestic Coup Playbook

Project 2025 makes the threat immediate. This Heritage Foundation blueprint combines historically proven tactics of institutional capture with direct control of federal operations – the first time foreign intervention tactics are being deployed domestically by actors controlling federal operations. Through the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), it has already achieved what previous domestic coup attempts could not – institutional capacity for systemic capture without requiring military alignment.

When we see Vance echoing these same strategic approaches to judicial control, it’s not coincidental. Project 2025’s own documents reveal 72 attacks on American institutions completed so far, many through executive orders and agency-level directives – exactly the kind of systematic dismantling of oversight that preceded martial law in Iran, Chile, and Guatemala.

These aren’t just historical analogies; consider now the obvious parallels between Vance attacking America from within the White House versus the CIA attacking foreign governments:

  • Claims of executive domains beyond judicial review
  • Emphasis on security and efficiency justifications
  • Portrayal of judges as obstructing necessary changes
  • Gradual expansion of “unreviewable” executive power

The Time to Act is Before Martial Law

The United States has long experience with dismantling judicial independence abroad. When administration officials begin using rhetoric that echoes these foreign interventions back home, it should raise serious concerns.

The Vance attack on judicial review isn’t just a constitutional debate – it’s an attempt to import very well known and refined tactics previously secretly developed for regime change operations elsewhere, into overt domestic governance.

The historical record is clear: questioning judicial authority to review executive actions often marks the first step toward broader autocratic control. The fact that this rhetoric now echoes U.S. foreign intervention tactics with Bannon in the room makes it more concerning, not less – because we know exactly where this path leads. Vance said it himself months ago: Trump should “seize control, fire everyone and replace them with our people” and then, like Andrew Jackson, simply refuse to listen to judges:

The threat is enforcement. As George explains, when U.S. Marshals report to Trump, who will enforce the court orders?

The question isn’t whether Americans will recognize these tactics – we’re telling you what they are. The question is whether anyone will act before judicial review becomes another historical example of what Americans lost while waiting for someone else to save them.

MO Tesla Kills Two in “Veered” Crash

A 2023 Tesla Model S was involved in a fatal crash in Henry County, Missouri, when it left the road at approximately 2 AM, collided with multiple trees, overturned, and caught fire, resulting in two deaths. The incident has raised new questions about Tesla’s misnamed driver assistance systems – whether called Autopilot, FSD, or their latest rebranding – and their potential role in unintended acceleration events.

The Missouri State Highway Patrol reports that a south bound 2023 Tesla Model S was on Missouri 8 [sic] at SW 100 Road (west of Clinton) just before 2 a.m., when the Tesla traveled off the left side of the roadway and struck several trees. The Tesla then overturned and caught fire.

The Tesla drove forward into the trees near a house instead of turning with the road. Source: Google Maps

A very typical Tesla tragedy, it
follows a familiar pattern.

For nine consecutive years, Elon Musk has made public promises about preventing such tragedies. Just recently, he boldly claimed there would be no more Tesla crashes starting in 2025 – literally saying “it really just won’t crash” – right before a series of fatal crashes in 2025.

Notice also how Musk has shifted focus of late, attacking the U.S. government as a dog that needs “efficiency” (DOG-E). The irony is clear: after using highly defective vehicles to capitalize on government credits and subsidies, while falling far below baselines of safety, he’s now seeking to directly access taxpayer money as his personal slush fund.

Without the pretense of being a car manufacturer, just transferring federal funds into his pockets without any other steps, he no longer needs to address the mounting death toll from Tesla’s dangerously flawed technology.

Tesla Deaths Per Year. Source: TeslaDeaths.com
Source: IIHS

Tesla Crashes on Full Self Driving (FSD) v13 Into Pole, Destroys Cybertruck

Tesla’s “Full Self-Driving” technology represents one of the most brazen frauds in automotive history. Since 2016, this dangerous deception has extracted billions from customers while delivering nothing but broken promises and crashed vehicles. Former Tesla engineers have testified to the deliberate nature of this fraud, yet the tragedy continues to rise.

Tesla Cybertruck Rated 17X More Dangerous Than the Deadly Ford Pinto

The latest example is so tragically predictable as to be tired: a Cybertruck owner has complained Tesla’s most advanced FSD system – version 13.2.4, the very one Musk just promised everyone could achieve “zero crashes” in 2025 – drove itself over a curb and straight into a pole in Florida.

Full Self Driving version 13.2.4 drove this Swasticar into a Florida street pole, February 2025. Source: Jonathan Challinger, software developer, Kraus Hamdani Aerospace

Consider the irony in watching vehicles built on techno-fascist promises of supremacy being defeated by simple street infrastructure.

Dare I say it’s poetic how the Nazi Swasticar keeps getting destroyed by the… Poles? What would Rejewski say? I mean Tesla engineers maybe are interpreting history correctly when their Swasticar AI commits suicide?

Elon Musk has been a frequent promoter of the AfD (Nazi) Party in Germany, which generates widespread disgust and protests such as this graffiti outside the Tesla factory in Germany.

The evidence of systemic failure is overwhelming. While other autonomous vehicle companies have proactively recalled their systems to address similar collision risks, Tesla stands alone in its refusal to acknowledge fundamental flaws despite the tragedies they cause.

Their bogus “efficient” camera-only design, built with cheap consumer-grade parts of low resolution, represents more than just obvious technical shortcomings – it embodies the reckless disregard for safety. Each new crash into poles and trees isn’t an isolated incident, but rather confirmation of fraud in design philosophy. Their 2025 promise of “zero crashes” stands as yet another outrageously hollow escalation in a long history of shameless deception.

The pattern is painfully clear: whenever Tesla’s autonomous systems fail, Musk simply redefines success. He’s perfected a cycle of extracting public funds while delivering nothing but excuses, pushing deadlines that were already broken promises from 2017.

This same fraudulent playbook extends beyond Tesla’s roads into Musk’s space ventures. While dozens of government space programs have successfully and repeatedly already reached Mars through methodical, proven engineering, Musk promised to outperform them all by 2022 using billions in taxpayer money. Yet here we are in 2025, watching his rockets struggle to even leave Earth’s atmosphere.

The contrast is stark: NASA’s proven track record of safety and achievement versus Musk’s trail of broken promises and public endangerment. Yet somehow he continues selling the next fantasy – right up until his technology drives another customer into a pole

South Africans know this type all too well. In 1994, as democracy arrived, the AWB (Nazi) party boasted they would violently seize control of government in the name of “efficiency” – a chilling parallel to today’s DOGE crypto-fascist promises. Their end came swiftly: after years of terrorizing Black neighborhoods with drive-by shootings targeting women and children, AWB militants made one final attempt at violent control. A single police officer ended the reign of terror, leaving their bodies in the dirt as a stark reminder that claims of supremacy ultimately collapse when confronted with reality.

A single police officer in 1994 killed these Nazis (AWB) who had been driving around randomly shooting at Black people. It was headline news at the time, because AWB had promised they would start civil war to forcibly remove all Blacks from government. Instead they ended up dead on the side of a road

There is no bigger fraud than the 1980s AWB-inspired visions of Elon Musk. Clearly he believes that because he left South Africa with all his apartheid money laundered in America that he’s above the law, able to put lives at risk without consequence.

Just as the AWB’s promises of whites-only control died on the side of a road in 1994, Tesla’s grandiose claims about FSD technology keep crashing into literal poles in 2025.

While South Africa’s transition to democracy brought accountability (police officers doing their job to protect Black civilians) and an end to AWB terrorism, Tesla’s autonomous driving system somehow continues unrestrained to endanger lives while dodging responsibility, backed by the same dangerous ideology of technological supremacy and unaccountable white power.

This isn’t about missed deadlines or technical challenges – it’s about a deliberate pattern of deception rooted in apartheid-era thinking, where promises of “efficiency” mask a deadly racist disregard for human life. History has shown us exactly where this path leads. When lives are at stake, we must recognize these failures for what they are: not bugs to be patched, but features of a system built on fraud and impunity.

Allegedly Elon Musk had the sudden 1994 death of South African Nazi (AWB) terrorists in mind when he marketed his Swasticar to Nazi terrorist groups in America as bullet-proof