Stanford is Using AI to Manipulate Political Controversies

It is important to acknowledge that Leland Stanford, the founder of Stanford University and former Governor of California, was a horrible racist monopolist who facilitated mass atrocities of Chinese and Indigenous people. Historians refer now to the Stanford “killing machine” that was purpose-built for genocide in California. His depopulation program, on the back of an … Continue reading Stanford is Using AI to Manipulate Political Controversies

Uber’s “Algorithm” Was Lies: Australian Regulators Issue Small Fine

Unlike Tesla, which never seems to be held accountable for its serial lying and egregiously false representations, Uber is yet again facing penalties. The second offense related to estimated taxi fares provided by the app to Sydney customers between June 2018 and August 2020, when the taxi ride option was abandoned. The algorithm used to … Continue reading Uber’s “Algorithm” Was Lies: Australian Regulators Issue Small Fine

Twitter Takeover: “Business leaders like Elon Musk plot to install a fascist dictator”

The 1933 Wall Street Putsch is looking like foreshadowing. Business leaders like JP Morgan and Irénée du Pont were accused by a retired major general of plotting to install a fascist dictator I’m not hearing the warning yet from a retired major general, and Elon Musk is perhaps no automobile union-busting Irénée “Black Legion” du … Continue reading Twitter Takeover: “Business leaders like Elon Musk plot to install a fascist dictator”