2023 Tesla FSD Still Runs Red Lights, Drawing AG and DOJ Attention

For a long time now I’ve written here about Tesla’s failure to stop at red lights. Florida police seem to describe the problem like a traffic pandemic, due to sudden rise in Tesla crashes they see every week. Now the AG and DOJ allegedly are taking notice of a brand new video by an ex-Tesla … Continue reading 2023 Tesla FSD Still Runs Red Lights, Drawing AG and DOJ Attention

Unsafe by Design: Tesla Fails to See Children, Red Lights, Emergency Vehicles…

Tesla Deaths: 348 (and 19 confirmed on “Autopilot”) If there’s one thing, ONE THING, a car manufacturer should be able to do it’s meet baseline safety requirements of operating on public roads. For example, a car should not be engineered to systemically increase risk of accidents that involve children, red lights and emergency vehicles. Fail … Continue reading Unsafe by Design: Tesla Fails to See Children, Red Lights, Emergency Vehicles…

Tesla Investor Spreads Dangerous FSD “Head-On Collision Avoidance” Disinformation

As someone who records nearly weekly head-on collisions by Tesla into other cars, I was of course asked to evaluate claims being made on the Nazi-addled Swastika platform that Tesla FSD can prevent the very thing it repeatedly fails to prevent. Let me start by saying my first review of this new video evidence that … Continue reading Tesla Investor Spreads Dangerous FSD “Head-On Collision Avoidance” Disinformation