Confidently Wrong About Stanford: ChatGPT is a Dumpster Fire of Falsehood

There’s increasing evidence Microsoft knew how bad ChatGPT was at data integrity. The alleged real reason for investment was a huge surveillance platform to unsafely ingest people’s thoughts and ideas, and not any delivery of anything of any value. This makes sense when you look at other recent big investments by Microsoft. While it might … Continue reading Confidently Wrong About Stanford: ChatGPT is a Dumpster Fire of Falsehood

Stanford is Using AI to Manipulate Political Controversies

It is important to acknowledge that Leland Stanford, the founder of Stanford University and former Governor of California, was a horrible racist monopolist who facilitated mass atrocities of Chinese and Indigenous people. Historians refer now to the Stanford “killing machine” that was purpose-built for genocide in California. His depopulation program, on the back of an … Continue reading Stanford is Using AI to Manipulate Political Controversies

Is Facebook Using Stanford to Silence Its Critics?

On July 29th the Stanford Internet Observatory, arguably a Potemkin village by design, released the following PR statement: Announcing the Journal of Online Trust and Safety… The journal was conceived from a recognition that much of the cutting-edge research on online harm lacks an appropriate journal for publication. An “appropriate journal”? What was wrong with … Continue reading Is Facebook Using Stanford to Silence Its Critics?