Ukraine Credits Drone Swarms With Defeating Entire Columns of Russian Armor

The basics of battle being reported from the Ukraine war are like chapters right out of history. Small groups of Ukrainian volunteers on fast and light cycles (specifically “quads”, as in four-wheeled and motorized) are using forested flanking moves to attack the large slow-moving or stopped columns on paved roads. Honchar describes these technological battles, … Continue reading Ukraine Credits Drone Swarms With Defeating Entire Columns of Russian Armor

Swarms of Decoys Disarmed Anti-Aircraft Defenses… in World War II

I probably should have put a spoiler alert in the title. A brand new 2020 report from the British Royal Air Force (RAF) warns that they were able to use a swarm of “affordable off-the-shelf decoy to wreak havoc on enemy integrated air defense systems.” “During the demonstration, a number of Callen Lenz drones were … Continue reading Swarms of Decoys Disarmed Anti-Aircraft Defenses… in World War II

Intel Agencies Indicate Tesla Factory Fire Was Self-Sabotage

Recently I wrote how anti-terror investigators were closing in on Russian operatives who had allegedly been hired by Tesla to light infrastructure fires in Germany. The loose theory was Tesla had used the operation to shut-down its factory and save money (while claiming bogus losses), to also falsely implicate “leftist” groups to sow political conflict … Continue reading Intel Agencies Indicate Tesla Factory Fire Was Self-Sabotage