This short video was sent to me recently, in response to my blog posts from years ago about Elon Musk exhibiting obvious signs of Nazism.
Hope you enjoy the sharp critique of normalization by extremists. The comedic work of Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele is marvelous.
It’s almost like watching an updated Little Red Riding Hood, as Elon Musk says things like “the better to not’see you, my dear”.

What Musk did was a Nazi salute so obvious that any denial would be laughable.
That’s why Musk has not denied it. Really, he is not in any way to any reporter denying that he used a Nazi salute. He wants it to be seen as a Nazi salute, because that’s what it was.
Meanwhile, those saying it’s a Nazi salute should expect to be be attacked and ridiculed by him. He’s not denying it, he’s just denying freedom to speak about it.