Sudan releases Solvenian “spy”

Here’s an interesting story about identity:

Kriznar is well known in Slovenia as a human rights activist.

He travelled to Sudan’s troubled Darfur region in February as the Slovenian president’s envoy.

Three months ago, Slovenia held talks with two rebel movements which refused to accept a peace agreement between the main rebel faction and Khartoum.

Sudanese investigators said Kriznar was travelling around Darfur taking pictures and shooting video material of villages there.

Our identity, let alone intentions or motive, can be tough to prove in a stable environment like a local bank or in your preferred hospital. It can be nearly impossible to prove when we face an ad hoc and violent environment, especially when we pull out a camera and start taking “evidence” of our surroundings. Hard to tell what the exact circumstances were but it seems that Kriznar might have been pushing his luck even though he was part of the Slovenian President’s envoy, or maybe the Sudanese found him to be an easy target.

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