Tesla V12 Fails Red Light Test: Palo Alto Police Announce “Nothing Illegal Unless We Saw It”

Investigating crimes is a real thing. But if you listen to Palo Alto police, you’d think it doesn’t exist. They just approved breaking the law when police aren’t present, which helps explain why Tesla engineering continues to fail at basic law and order. “Had an officer observed the driver with the phone in their hand, … Continue reading Tesla V12 Fails Red Light Test: Palo Alto Police Announce “Nothing Illegal Unless We Saw It”

2023 Tesla FSD Still Runs Red Lights, Drawing AG and DOJ Attention

For a long time now I’ve written here about Tesla’s failure to stop at red lights. Florida police seem to describe the problem like a traffic pandemic, due to sudden rise in Tesla crashes they see every week. Now the AG and DOJ allegedly are taking notice of a brand new video by an ex-Tesla … Continue reading 2023 Tesla FSD Still Runs Red Lights, Drawing AG and DOJ Attention

Tesla Blows Through Red Light Into Sheriff’s Bus Injuring 13

A while ago now I showed how Tesla vehicles were being designed and trained to ignore traffic laws. We continue to see “pedal pump” evidence to this effect, as reported by annoyed law enforcement cleaning up after predictable disasters. Today’s news is that yet another Tesla ignored a red light, and hit a very large … Continue reading Tesla Blows Through Red Light Into Sheriff’s Bus Injuring 13

Unsafe by Design: Tesla Fails to See Children, Red Lights, Emergency Vehicles…

Tesla Deaths: 348 (and 19 confirmed on “Autopilot”) If there’s one thing, ONE THING, a car manufacturer should be able to do it’s meet baseline safety requirements of operating on public roads. For example, a car should not be engineered to systemically increase risk of accidents that involve children, red lights and emergency vehicles. Fail … Continue reading Unsafe by Design: Tesla Fails to See Children, Red Lights, Emergency Vehicles…