New Book Illustrates How a Black U.S. Soldier Single Handedly Killed Six Nazis

The most interesting twist in this story might be how the eventual Medal of Honor recipient was denied work in post-WWII military… because he had served against the Japanese and Spanish before the war.

For his actions, Carter was originally awarded a Bronze Star, Distinguished Service Cross and a Purple Heart, according to Army records.

Upon returning stateside, Carter hoped to continue his military career, but was ruled to be ineligible because of his previous ties to the Chinese and Spanish conflicts.

Carter passed away in 1963. For decades, he was counted among the hundreds of Black service members excluded from Medal of Honor recognition. That was fixed in 1997.

Ties to the conflicts? He fought against Japanese aggression. He fought against fascism in Spain. He was a successful soldier way ahead of his time, which you’d think would have earned him promotions not exclusions.

Has the highly ceremonious medal, more than three decades after he died, done enough?

Illustration of Carter in action.

The service and awards of California-born Edward Carter Jr definitely need more exposure. An Association of the United States Army graphic novel is a great idea but I’m thinking more about VR and an immersive experience — not just how he single-handedly outwitted and killed six Nazis, but also how he experienced U.S. racism and discrimination for decades after.

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