NY Tesla Crash Kills Two in Massive Fire

News reporters sound shocked to see this kind of damage, as if they were unaware that a Tesla vehicle could cause such destruction, resembling an explosive projectile targeting a neighborhood.

Pictures and video show how far the car traveled from Route 9 in the town of Livingston to the house near the intersection of Sparrow Bush Road and Mahikan Drive.

The explosions sparked a fire.

The car was a Tesla, and was incinerated to the point where there was nothing left but the frame, Hudson Valley 360 reported.

The incident, which occurred at 1 AM on June 29, involved a high-speed crash and explosion. A vehicle operating on cruise control is likened to a cruise missile, because Tesla.

Tragically, one of the deceased individuals was inside the destroyed house. Such incidents, where houses are demolished and unsuspecting occupants are killed by an incoming Tesla vehicle, exemplify the unique dangers associated with this brand, making roads less safe.

Various fatal incidents, similar to this one, involving Tesla vehicles crashing into random houses have been reported in several states:

News reports about Tesla crashes often resemble war zone bombings, as illustrated by the following particular incident in California.

The Tesla struck gas and water lines, Firefighters secured them both after arrival. The crash also damaged utility lines, Baxter said.

The incident displaced 22 people, 18 adults and 4 children; they are receiving services from the Red Cross, police said.

Considering the repeated instances of unusually destructive Tesla crashes, it becomes evident that there is a pattern. The vehicle appears to be poorly manufactured, designed with destructive capabilities similar to an explosive projectile.

The car first hit the utility pole, taking out power, then slammed into a car parked in a driveway before careening into a home. “This isn’t something that a normal officer was expecting when coming upon a scene,” said Captain Joe Zizi of the California Highway Patrol.

Upon encountering a Tesla vehicle, law enforcement advises treating it with caution, likening it to an unholstered gun, although it is more accurately comparable to a self-harming cruise missile.

In terms of the threat posed, how different is Tesla from Kim Jong Un’s dream of annihilating America? Is there any street in America that can be deemed safe?

In summary, Tesla poses a clear and immediate threat to national security, prompting questions regarding substantial infrastructure investments required to prevent attacks on public safety. The brand’s substandard quality betrays the trust of consumers and the public, and authorities cannot continue to let this automaker evade accountability.

Also, since there’s no intersection of Sparrow Bush Road and Mahikan Drive, more details should be made available regarding this crash.

Source: Google Maps

4 thoughts on “NY Tesla Crash Kills Two in Massive Fire”

  1. Indeed this is a tragedy; I am certain the damage produced in this incident is unique to Tesla design. Any gas car fire is done in 15 minutes. Tesla fires are ablaze for hours, explosive and keep burning and reigniting days later. So dangerous, perhaps a certain billionaire should visit the Titanic in one!

  2. This article is so well written. It really is a good read. Thanks for the info, and you really should get more attention. Cheers

  3. I am a Livingston area resident, in Columbia County NY. Shocked to hear about this. This has been a rural farming community for decades, now with “rural gentrification” we have citiots speeding on highways and harming innocent residents with their Teslas. I’ve been trying to figure out where this happened, for fear it might happen to me! It is actually quite close to my area. Good catch about the incorrect information provided by media regarding scene of accident. There is no intersection there as they stated in the TV news, other new reports just as confusing. I think they might mean it happened near the intersection of Sparrow Bush Rd and Route 9, Livingston, just FYI. It would be good to know where it happened, but I guess as long as careless people drive cars that can function as fiery killer missiles, like Tesla, we are not safe. It’s pretty random. Speeding is an increasing crisis up here in rural Columbia County, it seems to be worse every year. Thanks for writing about this!

  4. Dude this post really hits home (sorry, pun unavoidable). You are so right that no other car brand is there. Tesla is a munition, like it was designed for rapid death from explosive fires. You nailed it with a DPRK point. Imagine if we found out a new HGL with JAGM was controlled by a coin-operated hostile CEO. The whole BS flame thrower debacle was foreshadowing. Elon Musk says he totally is legal (he isn’t) to dump harmful deceptive products for profit but really he just aims to take your money and dance on your grave as he remotely presses hard on a self-destruct button.

    Maybe towns need to deploy civilian model RIOT to their county lines to eliminate incoming Tesla?

    RIP to that poor innocent old man sleeping in his rural quiet country bed in New York. Getting burned to death in a blowup like he’s downtown Aleppo on midnight back in July 2016? WTAF. De oppresso liber.

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