Apparently Tesla vehicles on fire just consumed more than two million gallons of California’s water during a severe drought. As firefighters struggle with these versus the hugely resource-intensive wildfrire blazes, Musk’s recent racist and misogynist attacks on emergency responders only make their jobs harder and raises troubling questions about corporate responsibility. And I don’t just mean because since 2016 Tesla “AI” continues to violently crash into their trucks with no signs of improving.

But seriously where was Elon Musk to complain about Elon Musk being unable to stop all the crashes and fires from Tesla?
He has been negligently throwing matches on gasoline for years, while ignoring the consequences, and now he’s shifted into unmistakably spreading Nazi-like propaganda blaming women and minorities for LA’s wildfire devastation. This is a man who knows damn well that his own Tesla fires rapidly have drained millions of gallons of water from drought-stricken areas, and have been only getting worse with each Tesla crash.

This isn’t just overt hypocrisy from a man who practices permanent improvisation to avoid prosecution – it’s a calculated profit-driven attack on public safety from multiple angles:
- Use racist propaganda to undermine trust in diverse fire departments
- Drain their resources due to increasingly deadly Tesla fires
- Force communities to choose between usual fires and containing his defective cars
- Blame his manufactured chaos on the very people targeted and responding
Simple facts with logic demolish Musk’s toddler-like propaganda while exposing his company’s deadly toll:
- Diverse fire departments consistently demonstrate better community outcomes when they’re not forced to waste resources on Tesla
- California’s water crisis has been exacerbated by massive requirements for Tesla negligence fires
- Emergency services have been stretched thin handling both regular duties and rapid rise in unique Tesla dangers
- Black and brown communities face disproportionate impacts from both his racist rhetoric and his resource-draining refusal to build quality products
But facts aren’t the point here, and never are with Nazis, because Musk knows exactly what he’s doing by spreading white supremacist propaganda.
Elon peddles in the same playbook of his apartheid politician grandfather who fled Canada due to campaign that looked remarkably like he wanted to help Hitler win.

These men used to blame all of a nation’s troubles on diversity while actively causing those troubles. Jewish businesses were raided and destroyed by Nazi mob violence before being told they had to pay fines to the mob leaders who would then clean it up. The Kristallnacht “broken window” fallacy of easy profits for white men goes like this: take any crisis (even ones you cause), blame marginalized groups, present white male supremacy as the solution. Extract maximum value, create more crises.
Rinse. Repeat. Lebensraum (e.g. white supremacist enclave).
While California has been suffering catastrophe from severe drought, Tesla engineered a 600 gallon-per-minute water disaster for every vehicle they put on the road (the latest estimate has been 50,000 gallons/fire). When a man with an outsized attention system, floated by fraudulent stock valuations, is able to use natural disasters to push racist propaganda while his company drains emergency resources, we have a serious problem. Dismissing his screaming on a soap-box as just a little controversy means becoming complicit in his escalating pattern of intentional societal destruction.
Our firefighters deserve far better than to be assaulted by this unrepentant windbag inflaming racism while they battle both wildfires and his defective products that make everything worse. Our communities deserve better than having their emergency resources drained by Tesla while being blamed for the resulting chaos.
The question isn’t whether any of Musk’s regular vomiting of unfair statements need to be handled with care. That’s like asking if Lance Armstrong still deserves consideration for a medal after he yells into a reporter microphone that cycling judges are not white enough to let him cheat.
When will journalists finally recognize and confront the deadly combination of weaponized racism and corporate negligence of Elon Musk before it claims more lives? How many must die in a fire every month before Musk faces court?
Consider how he has repeatedly called aerospace technology “alien-level” threats right up to the point he caused the explosive Cybertruck suicide of a decorated Green Beret loyal to him. His cars for a decade have created direct threats to firefighting capabilities, and yet he’s on a soap box now to attack the heroes managing his selfish catastrophes.
Some say we shouldn’t “amplify” Musk’s ongoing campaign of destruction by speaking directly about it. But scientists studying genocide say it’s the silence that accelerated a slide into catastrophe. His growing body count – from deadly Cybertruck explosions in his loyal fan base to resource-draining Tesla fires killing dozens every month now – demands we speak out while we still can.
Exploiting public resources and attacking public servants should be seen for what it is.
The timing of Musk attacks on firefighters isn’t random at all (he’s had plenty of time before now, given they constantly have to respond to his Tesla fires), but rather follows the same pattern we saw with the tragedy of a Green Beret suicide.
Just as he mocked Livelsberger’s death related to the very “alien technology” rhetoric that Musk had contributed to it, he attacks firefighters after his defective products have increasingly undermined their ability to save lives:
- His apartheid-era wealth laundered in sale of PayPal (benefit from systemic racism, then attack diversity initiatives)
- His Twitter/X takeover (accelerate hate speech, blame targeted groups)
- The Cybertruck tragedy (promote dangerous ideas, ignore and mock victims)
These aren’t isolated incidents, and rather a coherent strategy of exploitation and harm known in history as white supremacist dictatorship.
Based on data, there are approximately 45 documented Tesla fires in California from 2013-2024. If we chart each fire requiring a reported 50,000 gallons of water to extinguish:
- Total water waste: 2,250,000 gallons
- Average yearly water waste: ~204,545 gallons
- Additional environmental impact from specialized firefighting foam required for battery fires
- Disproportionate impact on drought-affected areas
- Rising fatality rate after (fraudulent) claims of learning and safety
Please also recognize, the frequency and severity of fires with Tesla is not a problem found in any other electric vehicle. Tesla engineering quality is uniquely poor as a direct result of Elon Musk violently opposing safety regulations. His engineers have repeatedly testified to lying and cheating to appease his need to gather attention, effectively misleading customers about capability and safety of his products.