Beginning poetry

The BBC Get Writing site has a friendly page called Poetry for Beginners:

Poetry is danced language which means, when you’re writing it or reading it, you mustn’t rush to the end to find out what it means, but every line, every phrase, every word is an end in itself. That’s the most important thing for me about poems. However small you split them, each part is still excited, still a whole.

So the first rule of poetry is: don’t bore yourself.

And the second rule is: don’t bore others? Unfortunately not. But I do agree with the recommendations about writing down the core ideas and then trying to stitch them back together while preserving a kind of tempo or beat. Like a sketch of a song or a set of quick musical notes to be mulled about, worked over, and perhaps refined into a melody later, or not. As Dizzie might have said:

Salt peanuts,
salt peanuts.

To which Buddy could have replied:

Para-diddle, riff,
Flam, para, para,
Para-diddle, riff,
Man, yeah!

WordPress 2.0.7

Nothing like patching just a few days after patching. At this rate we might as well forget testing. :) But seriously, WordPress reports that they’re still working on some of the php vulnerabilities that recently seemed to be attracting attention, and so they’ve announced 2.0.7.

I like how they say “It is recommended that everyone running WordPress 2.0.6 or lower upgrade to this new version.” Wouldn’t that be everyone not running 2.0.7, or in short, everyone?

We know it sucks to have a release only 10 days after our last one, but we think it’s important enough for your blog to be secure to do it, and hopefully only having to change a few files will make the upgrade easier than normal.

It would definitely suck worse if they decided not to release in order to save face, or to save us the hassle, etc. as I’d prefer to be in charge of whether I want to fix a vulnerability or sit back and relax for a few more days, weeks, years while the Russians* attack.

Patch, patch, patch…

* Some folks I know said they managed to monitor and confirm the Russian connection. Unfortunately, I can’t say more, but I wanted to mention that I’m not arbitrarily choosing a country, just reporting the news/logs.

UK courts rule poker not a game of skill

Here is a fascinating case about regulations, reported by the BBC:

Derek Kelly, 46, argued poker is a game of skill so he did not need a licence under the 1968 Gaming Act, as the law requires it only for games of chance.

But the jury at Snaresbrook Crown Court disagreed and took less than two hours to find him guilty of organising games at his Gutshot Club in central London.


Graham Trembath QC, told the jury that they alone would decide the verdicts.

He said: “Is poker a game of mixed skill and chance? That is for you to decide. The prosecution submit that common sense dictates that it is.

“Why do we say that? We say that because before a game can start someone shuffles the cards.”

Where does the threshold lie for chance and skill? I’m having a hard time thinking of a game that doesn’t involve chance at least to some degree…

Or maybe we should just say that luck was not on the side of the defendant this time around.