“Flood of investors want out of Tesla and anything to do with Elon Musk”

Update February 2024: “X Twitter Keeps Promoting Slavery. It’s No Accident.” Not very surprising, but very late. This should have happened years ago. Gerber, who held some 420,000 shares of Tesla stock as recently as this spring and is the CEO of Gerber Kawasaki Wealth and Investment Management, said his clients are “pissed off.” “Getting … Continue reading “Flood of investors want out of Tesla and anything to do with Elon Musk”

Microsoft Fired Its Editors and Ethicists: as a Result Its AI Spreads Political Extremism

Someone at Microsoft, probably the CEO but who knows if anything ever sticks to him, has decided to repeat Hitler’s favorite thing about America: the Henry Ford method of spreading political extremism. Sorry, second favorite thing. Take a minute to recognize Hitler’s favorite thing in 1933 about America actually was Stanford’s 1853 method of genocide. … Continue reading Microsoft Fired Its Editors and Ethicists: as a Result Its AI Spreads Political Extremism

Elon Musk’s Blatant Ignorance Is Killing His Own Truck Dreams

Elon Musk’s approach to innovation and business practices has drawn substantial criticism, with some comparing him to notorious fraudster Bernie Madoff. Musk’s strategy, it appears, centers around a common swindler’s tactic: promising what people want to hear rather than delivering on feasible, tangible results. Musk’s modus operandi seems to consist of peddling dreams and collecting … Continue reading Elon Musk’s Blatant Ignorance Is Killing His Own Truck Dreams

US Courts Award Tesla CEO a Loophole to Promote Dangerous “Autopilot” Fraud

This decision by courts seems bonkers, but also probably heavily corrupted by a CEO who allegedly flaunts himself as untouchable and above the law. The stakes are higher in the trial this week, and in other cases, because people died. Tesla and plaintiff attorneys jousted in the runup about what evidence and arguments each side … Continue reading US Courts Award Tesla CEO a Loophole to Promote Dangerous “Autopilot” Fraud