Category Archives: Energy

“Flood of investors want out of Tesla and anything to do with Elon Musk”

Update February 2024:

X Twitter Keeps Promoting Slavery. It’s No Accident.

Not very surprising, but very late. This should have happened years ago.

Gerber, who held some 420,000 shares of Tesla stock as recently as this spring and is the CEO of Gerber Kawasaki Wealth and Investment Management, said his clients are “pissed off.”

“Getting a flood of messages from clients wanting out of Tesla and anything to do with Elon Musk,” he wrote on X. “Many saying they are selling their cars as well.”

Turns out that all the lies and fraud that built Tesla’s grossly inflated valuation were related to a CEO who … wait for it … grossly spreads lies and fraud.

Swastika (formerly known as Twitter) is turning out exactly as I warned here back in April 2022.

Getting “pissed off” at Bernie Madoff or Lance Armstrong is a natural reaction, so it’s no surprise with this fraud either. But those guys at least didn’t spread such dangerous hate speech along with their scams.

The Tesla brand now is basically promoting harm as a hate symbol. That increasingly was the case ever since Elon Musk cruelly stole it from the founders. Now it is obvious.

People are starting to finally come to terms with their own role in supporting a hate platform.

For anyone who really wants to understand the American businessman to lunatic trajectory, please read the 1958 analysis of Henry Ford.

…can a genius be obtuse and even stupid? Can he be a man of uniformly limited ability, talent, and judgment? There is a mass of evidence, most if it uncontroverted, to show that Ford was all of these things. […] Nor would any man of political wisdom or even of ordinary political shrewdness have had truck with the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion, a known forgery, or the rest of the racial rubbish that month after month appeared in the Dearborn Independent along with Ford’s own page and which blamed the Jews for virtually every misfortune ever experienced by man. When, in the end, the objection to this farrago became overpowering, Ford set a new standard for audacious falsehood by explaining that someone had put it all in the paper when he wasn’t looking. (Previously he had defended it as “eminently fair, temperate, and judicial.”)

Ford’s much-touted economic and social philosophy was a fraud.

Every Ford sold had a copy of the CEO’s unhinged anti-Semitic hate speech on the front seat packaged as “news”.

Adolf Hitler loved and admired Ford for such hate propaganda, in a similar way to the politicians who love and admire Musk today.

American autoworkers and their children in 1941 protest Ford’s relationship with Hitler. Source: Wayne State

In other words if someone still says Ford or Musk deserve any respect they are either woefully ignorant of basic history, or a probable threat to democracy.

Volvo Quietly Pulls Ahead of Tesla Semi Disaster

Once again I find Volvo quietly shipping quality BEV vehicles around the world, fulfilling real orders for real drivers.

Volvo FH Electric Semi Truck has been delivering real results in real world tests. All the quality engineering expected, while being quiet and professional.

Meanwhile… somewhere in the cocaine and cigar-filled elite boudoirs of Texan “big future thinker” events Tesla still shows up as the worst kind of corrupt political clown show.

Tesla announced to Wall Street in 2017, for alleged purposes of juicing stocks and soaking up big government handouts from California suckers, that 200,000 Semi trucks would be delivered and on the road in 2022.

Here we are in 2023 and, hopefully to nobody’s surprise, Tesla lies are again coming in to roost.

Fewer than 100 Tesla Semi trucks are alleged to exist. Such a woefully late vehicle also has a failure rate rate so high that even contrived tests need at least three available to complete. The real world means 100 of them delivered is equal to having an actual fleet of 33.

The stupidity of Tesla, a complete inability to engineer anything, couldn’t be more obvious.

Why did they put the seat in the middle? Because they are lazy. Surely they thought it looked more like a train seat, and didn’t care to think about the real world. It’s not a train.

Why did they use weak car parts and copy car designs for a truck meant to undergo heavy loads? Because they are lazy and greedy. Surely they thought it would save them money and didn’t care to think about the real world. It’s not a car.

I could go on but the point is that Tesla is not capable of real engineering. They assemble bad ideas and then stoke investments using completely irresponsible fiction.

Tesla is always cooking and cooked. Anyone buying into their vision is either too uninformed to see such basic fraud, or participating in that fraud.

My guess is Pepsi is the latter, somehow conspiring with Tesla to defraud the public through government corruption (e.g. creating a “tunnel company” simply to divert taxpayer money and prevent proper public transit from being built).

For simple comparison, the Volvo BEV Semi just set a distance record across Australia. It works. It is operating safely and to normal specs.

To complete the [760 mile] trip, the Volvo FH Electric had to be charged 8 times at an average of 1.5 hours of charging time. Basically, the trip was broken into 2 hours driving and then 1.5 hours of charging. To make sure the trip was compliant with legislated driving hours, Volvo used two drivers to complete the journey. To ensure the trip was as “green” as possible, the Volvo team used the Evie charging network, which runs solely on renewables.

The total time was reported at just 8 hours longer than a diesel truck would have taken to cover nearly 800 miles. Known improvements in charging stations is expected to bring the time delta down significantly.

Meanwhile over in Tesla’s dumb and dirty clown show of always being a dollar short and day late…

PepsiCo did a 500-mile trip with the Tesla Semi from California to Phoenix, but it was just for PR purposes. The batteries completely burned out, which is why on PR trips like this, they bring three Tesla Semis, with two being towed on a diesel Semi truck, only to be swapped out when the battery dies the other two Semis on the 500-mile drive…

The only way a Tesla Semi works, despite being years late, is to hide a diesel Semi doing the actual work for it. Pretty sure this is the definition of fraud.

Tesla Semi is unquestionably another disaster from a man stuck in fantasy and known to disappoint. It’s really a metaphor for the privileged white man of South Africa who fraudulently claims everything is his work, even while suckling government handouts, stealing ideas and depending on others for actual work without sharing any credit or attention with them.

Go Volvo.

14 Months Consecutive Growth: Volvo’s EV Sales Stronger Than Ever

Volvo EX30 Recharge for $35K is high quality, high comfort and low risk. What’s not to like? Source: MotorTrend

Every time I read an article that claims the EV market is slowing down, I look over at Volvo news to tell me the truth.

Volvo Cars reports its 14th consecutive month of growth as global sales reached 59,861 cars in October, up 10 per cent compared to the same period last year. The sales increase was primarily driven by the company’s fully electric cars. […] Sales of fully electric cars grew by 29 per cent compared to the same period last year…

Volvo sales have consecutively grown for over a year, with EV leading their numbers (one of the first legacy OEMs to commit to all-electric, targeting 2030).

Volvo EV saw a huge 49% increase from October 2022 in their US sales, while in Europe they saw a 123% EV sales boom.

There’s a simple reason for all that success over a long time. They aren’t liars. Their cars are comfortable, dependable and safe. They deliver on what they promise.

The market for garbage cars that are full of disappointment, as flocked by racist charlatans, is necessarily going to slow down by comparison. That’s not representative of an actual EV market any more than one circus run by a confidence man is the actual popcorn market.

Volvo, fortunately engineered with a strong sense of ethics, continues to blow other manufacturers out of the water.

In related news, Volvo has quietly been delivering large BEV trucks for long hauls and urban services.

Putin Assassinates Yet Another Russian Oil Executive

February 2022 Lukoil called for peace in Ukraine. September 2022 Lukoil chairman Ravil Maganov fell to his death from a Moscow hospital window. Lukoil was forced to state that he “passed away following a severe illness.”

Reports of recent high profile assassinations in Russia, as previously mentioned, have now put the total at 40 people dead.

That’s the same number as people killed with Tesla Autopilot. Which is worse?

Here’s the latest, another oil baron:

A top executive at Russia’s second-biggest oil company has become the third person to die suddenly in the past 18 months at the firm, which last year took a public stand over Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Chairman of Lukoil Vladimir Nekrasov died after suffering acute heart failure, the company said on Tuesday. It did not respond to a request for further comment.

Mr Nekrasov replaced the previous head of Lukoil’s board Ravil Maganov in September last year, after he died falling from a hospital window, according to state-run news agency TASS.

Putin has even ordered his critic’s spouse and children killed, just like the families killed in a gruesome “veered” Tesla crash.

Is it any wonder how penalty of death means nobody in Russia dares to show any real thought or competence, just like under Tesla management?

More and more Tesla death court cases reveal that engineers are focused on avoiding or burying criticism, instead of on fixing their growing numbers of fatal design flaws.

Tesla engineer Ashok Elluswamy testified in court July 2022 how “Autopilot” AI had been an intentional fraud from its start, killing nearly 40 owners.

And so the death toll rises from these dictators who even collaborate.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday praised Elon Musk, calling [sabotage of Ukraine communications the work of his] “talented businessman.”

Which is more likely now, Americans dying in a Tesla “driverless” crash or Russians falling to their death from a Moscow hospital window?