American Diesel Cheaters Acting Like VW Never Happened, Hit With Measly $10M Fine

As I’ve said since forever, VW was a much easier target for America than America was. Dropping a regulator hammer on the Berkeley Professors and Marin Dairy Farmers driving a diesel VW station wagon is like a walk in the park. Sure, VW got raked over the coals and there was serious fall-out in Germany … Continue reading American Diesel Cheaters Acting Like VW Never Happened, Hit With Measly $10M Fine

Putin Dismissed Crocus City Hall Warnings and Sent Russians to Their Death

The reporting and advance warning was unmistakable. On March 7, the U.S. government went public with a remarkably precise warning: The U.S. Embassy in Moscow was monitoring unspecified reports that “extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, to include concerts.” It warned U.S. citizens in Moscow to avoid big events over the … Continue reading Putin Dismissed Crocus City Hall Warnings and Sent Russians to Their Death

Injustice Robots: Real and Present Danger of Police Overconfidence in AI

This New Yorker story about unjustified overconfidence in AI — expensive and flashy policing toys technology — reminds me of the trouble with radar detectors. …technology has only grown more ubiquitous, not least because selling it is a lucrative business, and A.I. companies have successfully persuaded law-enforcement agencies to become customers. […] Last fall, a … Continue reading Injustice Robots: Real and Present Danger of Police Overconfidence in AI