Landmines are Banned. Should Drones Aloft be Classified as Airmines?

The United Nations has this introduction to the subject of mines and disarmament: Landmines come in two varieties: anti-personnel and anti-vehicle mines. Both have caused great suffering in the past decades. Anti-personnel landmines are prohibited under the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction … Continue reading Landmines are Banned. Should Drones Aloft be Classified as Airmines?

The Future-Future of Aircraft Carriers

The impressively huge Aircraft Carrier was a decisive platform in past wars and still gets a lot of airtime (pun not intended). …when word of a crisis breaks out in Washington, it’s no accident that the first question that comes to everyone’s lips is: ‘where’s the nearest carrier?’ However, I can’t help but think about … Continue reading The Future-Future of Aircraft Carriers

Explosive Projectile-laden Drones to Navigate Small Spaces

I’ll never forget being briefed by a US Army General about the redesign of South Korea in ways that would force invading Chinese tanks into tight “killing zones”. The idea is not to stop invading forces entirely, but to slow down enemy tanks and other vehicles and buy critical minutes to retreat and defend. A … Continue reading Explosive Projectile-laden Drones to Navigate Small Spaces

Long-Distance Covert Communications Via Drone Sky Painting

The concept is simple, like looking at constellations of stars as a form of communication: A drone slowly moves in patterns, acting as a light paintbrush on the night sky. A slow exposure camera records its movements as message(s). This drone flying to its many waypoints would look random to the human eye, yet the … Continue reading Long-Distance Covert Communications Via Drone Sky Painting